
来源 :广东教育(教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengxianwei1986
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本文讨论了当前中学英语词汇教学中普遍存在的问题, 即过分强调学生死记硬背单词的读音、词形和字典意义, 而忽略了词汇的搭配、用法、实际含义和语法特征,忽略了语境在词汇学习中的重要性, 导致学生对许多单词只会记而不会用, 一用就错漏百出, 给英语学习造成障碍, 也给考试质量带来很大的负面影响。词汇关是英语学习中最关键的一关, 而这种强调死记硬背的词汇教学方法使许多学生对英语单词望而生畏, 因此解决这一问题可以说是英语教学需要突破的瓶颈。作者通过分析产生这一问题的原因, 引述国内外有关英语词汇教学的理论著作, 结合我国学生急于求成、词汇运用能力低下和缺乏学习兴趣的现象, 提出教师首先要充分利用常规课堂教学的阵地,帮助学生掌握基本词汇的用法和自主学习的技巧, 如猜词、查词典、词义联想等策略, 通过课堂活动、校园英语角、英语晚会等, 让学生拥有学习和运用英语的基本能力,并引导学生结合自己的兴趣, 多渠道增加阅读量和泛听量, 如听英文歌曲和英语新闻、看英语电影和电视节目、读简易读物等, 使学生通过多听、多说、多读、多写和多练来习得词汇。 This article discusses the ubiquitous problems in current English vocabulary teaching in middle schools. It emphasizes on the pronunciation, form and dictionary meaning of the students’ rote memorization while neglects the collocation, usage, actual meaning and grammatical features of the vocabulary, neglects the context The importance of vocabulary learning leads students to remember only a few words and not to use them. The mistakes one can make in using them can create obstacles to English learning and have a negative impact on the quality of the exam. Vocabulary is the most crucial step in English learning. However, this method of vocabulary teaching, which emphasizes rote learning, has caused many students to be daunting to English words. Therefore, to solve this problem can be regarded as a bottleneck in English teaching. By analyzing the causes of this problem, the author quotes the domestic and foreign theoretical writings on English vocabulary teaching, combined with the students’ eagerness to seek success, the low ability to use vocabulary and the lack of interest in learning, the author proposes that teachers should make full use of the position of regular classroom teaching , Help students master the usage of basic vocabulary and autonomous learning skills, such as guessing words, looking up dictionaries, meaning association, and other strategies, through the classroom activities, campus English corner, English party, etc., so that students have the basic ability to learn and use English, and To guide students to combine their own interests, multi-channel to increase the amount of reading and pan-listening, such as listening to English songs and English news, watching English movies and television shows, reading simple books, so that students through listening, speaking, reading more Write and practice more vocabulary.
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