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H X肿瘤测定仪(系列产品)是北京华雄应用科 学研究所研制和生产,中国癌症研究基金会 监制的高科技专利产品。它是应用当代生物医学工程原理研制出的早期发现癌症的新型仪器,它运用经络感传生物信息的功能,能准确快速地测出人体内的肿瘤信息的物理参数,通过微电脑自动处理,即可显示出人体内有无肿瘤,是良性的还是恶性的。在检测过程中,受测者身体无创伤、无痛苦、无任何副作用。它填补了国内外无创伤定性诊断肿瘤的空白。它适用于人群肿瘤的普查和筛选,为恶性肿瘤早期发现提供一种新的检测手段;与其他影像学等检查方法联合使用,将有助于提高肿瘤临床诊断的准确性;用于恶性肿瘤手术后及保守治疗的跟踪和疗效观察。该仪器体积小,重量轻,性能稳定,灵敏度高,操作简便,物美价廉。因而深受国内外用户和患者的欢迎和好评。几年来,经过不断 H X Tumor Tester (series) is a research and production of Beijing Huaxiong Institute of Applied Science, China Cancer Research Foundation producer of high-tech patent products. It is the application of modern biomedical engineering principles developed early detection of cancer, a new instrument that uses the meridian sensory biological information function, can accurately and quickly detect the physical parameters of the human tumor information, through the microcomputer automatically, you can Shows whether there is tumor in the body, is benign or malignant. In the testing process, the subject’s body without trauma, no pain, without any side effects. It fills the gap of qualitative diagnosis of non-invasive tumor at home and abroad. It is suitable for general population screening and screening of tumors and provides a new detection method for the early detection of malignant tumors. Combined with other imaging methods and other imaging methods, it will help to improve the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of tumors. For malignant tumor surgery Follow-up and conservative treatment of follow-up and efficacy observation. The instrument is small, light weight, stable performance, high sensitivity, easy to operate, inexpensive. Therefore, users and patients at home and abroad by the welcome and praise. Over the past few years, after continuous
选择题考查范围广,知识容量大,解法因题而异,灵活多样.本文以近年来各地的中考题为例,介绍选择题常用的几种解法. 一、直接计算法即从题设出发直接进行计算,并把结果与选择支
该校孙逸仙纪念医院肾内科余立群教授等经7年多努力,在广东省科委课题研究中,研制成功家庭腹膜透析系列装置。 腹膜透析是治疗终末期尿毒症病人的有效方法,但插植腹膜透析管