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錫矿床和酸性花崗岩在成因和分布上有密切关系是早已肯定了。同样的箇旧錫矿是由于燕山期花崗岩侵入了三迭紀箇旧石灰岩系而成矿。根据几年来的地貭勘探說明,在箇旧市以西的大花崗岩基周围并不存在較大的錫矿区,而錫矿区大都是和隐伏在箇旧系以下、距地表300米以下的花崗岩株有关。目前儲量最大的老厂和松树脚矿区均有隐伏花崗岩株存在。同时矿床和花崗岩株的产状有密切关系,往往在花崗岩之凹陷部分及突起 The close relationship between the genesis and distribution of tin deposits and acidic granites is well established. The same Xianyan tin deposit was derived from the intrusion of the Yanshanian granite into the Triassic epoch, the old limestone. According to years of geology and exploration exploration shows that there is no large tin mining area around the large granite base west of Jiuzhaigou, and most of the tin mining area is hidden from the granite strains buried below the Jiuzui line and below 300 meters from the surface . At present, the largest reserves of old factories and pine foot mining area have concealed granite strains exist. At the same time, the occurrence of granite and ore deposits are closely related, often in the depression of granite and protrusions
GCr15钢中组分元素含量的测定,目前各厂大都采用容量法兼比色法,操作手续复杂。近两年来,我们在资料的基础上,用稀硫酸溶解试样,加硝酸——过硫酸铵溶 GCr15 steel compone
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讨论会上涉及深孔、超深孔钻探的论文有以下几篇: 《深孔钻探实践》希斯与舍伍德公司J.萨维济。《深孔钻探的钻孔弯曲》国际镍公司B. Papers on deep hole and ultra-deep