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20世纪最引人瞩目的经济奇迹是日本人从战后的废墟中迅速崛起。那么日本人获得成功的奥秘是什么呢?在诸多因素中,最重要的原因之一就是它成功地运用了市场竞争战略。 以往日本的产品以优良的质量而在国际市场上独领风骚。然而随着国际市场竞争的加剧,使产品质量的差距越来越小。就在日本的强劲对手——美国不无得意的宣称,其产品质量与日本产品质量的差距缩小 The most striking economic miracle of the 20th century was the rapid rise of the Japanese from the post-war ruins. What is the mystery of the Japanese’s success? Among the many factors, one of the most important reasons is that it has successfully used the market competition strategy. In the past, Japan’s products have taken the lead in the international market with excellent quality. However, as the competition in the international market intensifies, the gap in product quality is getting smaller and smaller. In Japan’s strong rival, the United States, it’s not unsurprising to claim that the gap between its product quality and Japanese product quality has narrowed
睑阵挛伴有或不伴有失神癫发作 ,在 2 0 0 1年国际癫发作分类中单独列为泛化性癫发作的一种类型。我院电视录像脑电图 (videoEEG)监测诊断 1例睑阵挛伴失神癫发作 ,
王老吉凉茶是中国广东著名凉茶,于清道光年间(约1830年)由广东鹤山人王泽邦(乳名阿吉)所创。而这一品牌的创意,则是来自林则徐。  林则徐任钦差大臣后,初到广东,因查禁鸦片烟时操劳过度,加上水土不服,又患上感冒等症。他的随从听闻十三行的王泽邦有解暑治感良方,遂去为林则徐求药。林则徐服下一包草药后,诸多症状皆消失。林则徐登门答谢王泽邦时得知王泽邦都不过以平价草药来医治,更有感而发,提议他将药方制成凉
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Meromictic lakes are interesting objects for study in terms of paleolimnology.The lamination of the bottom sediments well expressed in.these lakes.It is related with permanent stratification of the wa
An ion flux dropout near the dipolarization front(DF) at around XGSM=-11 REin the Earth’s plasma sheet was observed by Time History of Events and Macroscale In
尽管已经错过最佳时机,尽管面临风险,但对于承担着中国钢铁产业转型升级重任的宝钢湛江项目、武钢防城港项目而言,其命运仍与产业命运息息相关  国家发改委大门口,那个亲吻批复文件的非常之举,让湛江市市长王中丙名噪一时。他的激动之情可以理解,这个批复文件着实来之不易——34年间,这一项目曾5次上报而屡屡搁浅。  与王中丙同样激动的当属央企宝钢。宝钢湛江项目筹划已久,且在宝钢全国市场布局战略中占据极重要之地