
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunzui
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我刊这期重点报道了农九师发展自压喷灌、单井加压喷灌和小型喷灌机组的情况。他们从本垦区水少、地面坡降大,且横向起伏不平的客观实际出发,推行用材较少,操作较简单,机动灵活,而且立见成效的喷灌形式。据该师实测,采用喷灌比传统的地面灌溉,不但节约用水一半以上,粮食单产成倍,成两倍的增长,而且不冲刷土壤,大大减少了水土的流失,还省去了修毛渠,打畦埂的土地,使土地利用率提高10%以上,特别是自压喷灌,利用自然纵坡形成压力,不需要消耗能源。这些都深受群众欢迎,因而喷灌发展速度快,去年只有550亩,今年一跃达到七千多亩,正在施工建设的还有一万多亩。 回忆历史,兵团早在1976年就有部分团场试制成大型移动式喷灌机,到1978年全疆农垦系统就有各种型号的喷 In this issue, I mainly reported on the development of Nongjiuji from pressure sprinkler irrigation, single-well pressurized sprinkler irrigation and small sprinkling irrigation units. Starting from the objective reality of less water in the reclamation area and greater slope on the ground, and with a horizontal fluctuation, they implemented a sprinkling irrigation system with fewer materials, simpler operation and more flexible maneuvers. According to the survey by the division, the use of sprinkler irrigation not only saves more than half of the water but also doubled the yield of crops and does not scour the soil, greatly reducing the loss of soil and water and eliminating the need for repairing furrows, The land that has been hit by staggering up will increase the land utilization rate by more than 10%. In particular, pressure sprinkler irrigation will use natural longitudinal slope to form pressure without energy consumption. These are popular with the masses. As a result, the irrigation and irrigation industry has enjoyed rapid development. Last year, it was only 550 mu. It jumped to more than 7,000 mu this year and more than 10,000 mu are under construction and construction. Recalling the history, as early as in 1976 Corps piloted some large-scale mobile irrigation system, Xinjiang State Farms in 1978 there are various types of spray
最近英国发明了一种额定输出功率在0.75KW以上、用气压机驱动的手提式喷射枪。它与过去使用的3.5—7Mpa的加压式洗涤器相比较,制造成本低低83%以上,并且可 Recently, Britain i
一、旋转轧模卧式制粒肥机该机是由逊克县农具研究所研制的。一)、结构特点与工作过程图一是该机的结构示意图 First, the horizontal rolling granulation fertilizer mac
眉县从1982年开始推广混凝土 U 形渠道,最初在梅惠渠灌区的城关和坝王河灌区的金渠两个乡试点,到1983年底两灌区累计衬砌近30公里,而后在全县范围内推广应用。截止1986年底,
为适应县、区、乡兽医站对大牲畜进行外科手术的需要,我所根据兴义县兽医站提出的技术要求研制了ZY-A 型兽医手术台。经兽医站使用证实,该手术台基本达到原设计要求,而且操
我场有一台 E512自走式联合收割机,在行驶或作业时,只要将无级变速推到快杆位置,不到5分钟,就自动回到慢杆的位置上。经分析认为是液压锁封闭不严的结果。拆开 I have a fi
自1972年以来,我们对宁阳县机井灌溉增产效益作了调查分析,并和水库、引河灌溉增产情况进行了比较,认为机井灌溉增产效益有五个突出特点。 1.速效性和可靠性。机井建设较之