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一、知识导引南朝梁刘勰在《文心雕龙》第四十三篇《附会》里说:“总文理,统首尾,定与夺,合涯际,弥纶一篇,使杂而不越者也。”说的就是文章的谋篇布局,即文章的结构。结构也就是章法,是作者为了更好地表情达意而选择的行文思路,换言之,怎样处理结构的问题就是怎样处理材料的问题。一篇好文章应该是“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”。文章的开头要像凤头一样短小、漂亮。短小,便于让读者了解论点或论题,从而把握全文主旨;漂亮,才能吸引读者,从而继续阅读下去。议论文的正文部分注 First, the guidance of knowledge Southern Liang Liu Jian in the “Wen Xin Diao Long” forty-third “attachment” in the said: “The total liberal arts, the system tail, set and win, with the WAGE, a lunar, make miscellaneous Do not surpass those who also said. ”That is the layout of articles, that is, the structure of the article. The structure is also the chapter law. It is the author’s thinking in writing in order to better express his emotions. In other words, how to deal with the problem of structure is how to deal with the problem of material. A good article should be “Crested, pig stomach, leopard tail ”. The beginning of the article should be as short and pretty as a crested head. Short, easy for readers to understand the argument or topic, so as to grasp the full text of the theme; beautiful, to attract readers, so continue reading. The main text of the thesis note
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The changes of the wettability of the solid surfaces have attracted massive attention due to their important practical implications in numerous fields. As a new
三、联邦制的变形与民族自决问题  吉尔吉斯苏维埃自治共和国的建立,一方面使吉尔吉斯人民拥有了自己的民族国家,这无疑是吉尔吉斯民族史上一个巨大的飞跃;但是,另一方面,吉尔吉
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《毛泽东文集》是《毛选》的重要补充 “《毛泽东文集》是对《毛选》的一个分量很大的补充”。逄先知开门见山向记者介绍说,《毛选》是当年毛泽东亲自主持编辑的,收入他民主革