
来源 :上海精神医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neithernor86
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Summary: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome(NMS) is a rare but life-threatening condition induced by neuroleptic medications. Its main symptoms include the rapid onset of fever, severe extrapyramidal symptoms, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and impaired consciousness. In severe cases, acute renal failure and circulatory failure can develop, which can rapidly lead to death. In this case report, we discuss the etiology, pathophysiology and management of this condition in a female patient with NMS induced by perospirone. The case highlights the need for clinicians to be vigilant: rapid identification of NMS and vigorous symptomatic treatment of NMS symptoms is the key to decreasing the case-fatality of this rare but serious adverse reaction to antipsychotic medications. Its main symptoms include the rapid onset of fever, severe extrapyramidal symptoms, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and impaired consciousness. In severe cases, acute renal failure failure and circulatory failure can develop, which can rapidly lead to death. In this case report, we discuss the etiology, pathophysiology and management of this condition in a female patient with NMS induced by perospirone. The case highlights the need for clinicians to be vigilant : rapid identification of NMS and vigorous symptomatic treatment of NMS symptoms is the key to decreasing the case-fatality of this rare but serious adverse reaction to antipsychotic medications.
各位领导、各位来宾,同志们、朋友们: 今天是我院建院四十周年的喜庆日子,我受院全体职工的委托,对诸位的光临指导表示热烈的欢迎! Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentle
一、“两区”生态建设现状及存在的主要问题我区山丘、沙漠遍布,“两区”面积约占全区总土地面积的 2/3以上.全区89个农牧业旗县绝大多数处于山地丘陵或风沙危害区.全区50个
经过一个多月激烈角逐,芝加哥公牛队和西雅图超音速队分别从东、西部脱颖而出,闯入总决赛。这也是几年来首次由两支常规赛季成绩最好的队伍分别杀出重围,争夺桂冠。 公牛队
1995—1996赛季,公牛队纵横驰骋于NBA战场之中,挥洒自如,所向披靡,最大的功臣当数乔丹、皮本和罗德曼。 斯科蒂·皮本,身高2.01米,体重95公斤,司职小前锋,两届“梦之队”成