
来源 :甘肃农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IT_Yong
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自五十年代以来,苹果在我省发展迅速,现在产量和面积在目前各类果树中均占全省第一位。但在生产中,不少地区管理粗放,结果延迟,大小年严重,这些问题的解决都与苹果花芽分化相关。而花芽分化又受外界条件的综合影响。现有研究资料多偏重我国东部平原地区,因此,观察研究处于西北高原地区的兰州苹果花芽分化规律,为制定合理的栽培技术与措施,及创造条件充分满足花芽分化要求,对提早幼树结果、大树丰产稳产都具有重要意义。为此,我们于1981—1982年在兰州开展了苹果花芽分化的研究工作。现将初步结果简报如下。材料与方法试验于1981—1982连续两年在兰州农场果园进行,园地为黄河一级台地,土壤砂质轻壤,较肥沃,有灌溉条件,田间管理较好。试材:25年生金冠树,产量较高,树势中等,树冠疏散分层形,修剪轻度。试验内容:包括花芽生理分化与形态分化。 Since the 1950s, apple has developed rapidly in our province. Now the output and area of ​​the apple occupy the first place in the province for all types of fruit trees. However, in production, extensive management in many areas, the results of the delay, the size of the year, the solution of these problems are related to apple flower bud differentiation. The flower bud differentiation by the combined effects of external conditions. Therefore, to observe and study the law of flower bud differentiation of apple in Lanzhou in Northwest Plateau, in order to make reasonable cultivation techniques and measures and to create the conditions to fully meet the requirements of flower bud differentiation, Tree yield and stability are of great significance. To this end, we carried out 1981-1982 in Lanzhou apple flower bud differentiation research work. Now the preliminary results briefed as follows. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted in Lanzhou farm orchard for two consecutive years from 1981-1982. The garden was a first-class platform of the Yellow River with soil sandy loam, more fertile and irrigation conditions and better field management. Specimens: 25-year-old golden crown tree, yield higher, moderate tree shrubs scattered stratification, pruning mild. Test content: including flower bud physiological differentiation and morphological differentiation.