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实现经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型的转变,关键是遵循客观经济规律,只有按照客观经济规律的要求办事,增强决策的科学性,防止和克服工作中的盲目性,才能有效地促进经济增长方式转变的顺利实现。 一是要遵循价值规律的要求.价值规律是商品经济最基本的一条规律。在我国的经济建设中,不少企业经济效益低,社会资源浪费严重,归根到底是没有按价值规律的要求去做。在过去长期计划经济体制下,企业是 The key to achieving the transformation from extensive to intensive economic growth mode is to follow the objective economic law. Only by acting in accordance with the objective economic laws, enhancing the scientific decision-making and preventing and overcoming the blindness in the work can we effectively promote economic growth Way to achieve the smooth transition. First, we must follow the law of value.Value of law is the most basic commodity economy. In our country’s economic construction, many enterprises have low economic returns and serious waste of social resources. In the final analysis, they did not follow the law of value. In the past long-term planned economic system, the enterprise is
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桂东北稻作区在播期相同的情况下,晚稻免耕抛秧缩短喷除草剂后的泡田时间,对水稻生育期和总叶片数没有明显影响,但提早抛秧利于秧苗立苗、分蘖和形成大穗,易获得高产。 In t
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial effect of Chinese herbal preparation Yinqiaotiangan against Streptococcus suis serotype II in vivo
本刊2002年第5期由著名策划专家叶茂中撰写的《P&G农村市场推广纪实》刊出后。在读者中引起了强烈反响。根据读者要求,现将该推广计划具体实施的内容刊出以飨读者。 Issue 5
本文全面介绍了桥梁面铺装层破坏的成因,针对成因又提出了几种合理的整修方法。 In this paper, the causes of the failure of the pavement of the bridge surface are in