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1841年前,香港不过是我国南海之滨的一个小渔村,面积仅1076平方公里,人口只有2000多人。这里除了海水和石头外,其他资源匮乏,被称为“荒凉的石头岛”。今日香港已成为世界著名的经济发达地区。从经济总量看,1995年香港当地生产总值GDP为11113.91亿港元,经济规模相当惊人;人均GDP则高达179552港元,已超过英国、加拿大、意大利、澳大利亚等发达国家,名列全球第6位,在亚洲仅次于日本,居第二位。香港以其经济实力和经济能量,被戴上“国际贸易中心”、“国际金融中心”、“国际航运中心”、“国际轻工制造和出口中心”、“国际旅游中心”、“国际信息中心”等桂冠。在世界十佳商业城市评选中,香港荣登榜首。 香港面积仅占全球万分之一,人口仅全球千分之一,如此“弹丸之地”,何以释放出如此巨大的经济能量?一个荒凉的小渔村何以发展成为国际大都市?其中奥秘何在?这至今在世界经济研究中仍然是一个令人感兴趣的课题。对这个问题,不少专家学者见仁见智,提出了不少有价值的见解,其中有代表性的观点大致如下: 一种是多因素论,认为香港经济繁荣是由于优越的地理条件、第二次世界大战后有利的国际环境和发展机遇;中国支持的因素;长期稳定的社会环境和比较健全的法律制度;自由开放的经济政策和香港人努力的结果? Before 1841, Hong Kong was only a small fishing village on the coast of South China Sea with an area of ​​1076 square kilometers and a population of over 2,000. In addition to the sea and stones here, the lack of other resources, known as “desolate stone island.” Today Hong Kong has become a world famous economically developed area. In terms of the total economic output, the GDP of Hong Kong amounted to 1,111.191 billion Hong Kong dollars in 1995 with a staggering scale of economy. The per capita GDP was as high as 179,552 Hong Kong dollars, surpassing that of developed countries such as Britain, Canada, Italy and Australia, ranking sixth in the world , Second only to Japan in Asia, ranking second. Hong Kong, with its economic strength and economic power, has been branded as an international trade center, an international financial center, an international shipping center, an international light manufacturing and export center, an international tourist center, an international information center “Wait for the crown. Hong Kong topped the list in the top 10 best commercial cities in the world. Hong Kong covers an area of ​​only one ten-thousandth of the world and its population is only one-thousandth of the world’s population. How can such a ”projectile" release such huge economic energy? Why a desolate small fishing village developed into an international metropolis? This is still an interesting topic in world economic research so far. Many experts and scholars have different opinions on this issue and have put forward many valuable opinions. Some of the representative opinions are as follows: One is a multi-factorial theory, which considers Hong Kong’s economic prosperity is due to its superior geographical conditions. The second world The favorable international environment and opportunities for development after the war; the factors supported by China; the long-term and stable social environment and a sound legal system; the result of free and open economic policies and the efforts of Hong Kong people?
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