“桃李满天下,叶茂凤凰飞”的凤城市第一学府——凤城一中坐落在国家名胜区,被誉为国门名山的凤凰山麓。其前身是建于公元1877年的“启凤书院”,迄今已有125年的历史。百余年来,该校治学严谨,人才辈出。新中国成立后,第一任校长毛奉璋是毛泽东主席接见的第一位中学校长,郭沫若为学校题写校牌。1962年被确定为省重点中学。1982年被确定为首批办好的省重点中学。恢复高考以来,高考成绩一直名列丹东地区前茅,曾有多人获丹东市文理科状元。学校师资力量雄厚,有多位教师分获全国模范教师、全国优秀教师、全国外语教学园丁奖等荣誉称号。学校环境优雅,校园内古柏参天,花香袭人,雕梁画栋的古老门楼和新颖别致的现代建筑交相辉映,令人流连忘返,心旷神怡。 (吴永远)
The first city of Fengcheng, the first school of the city of Phoenix, which is filled with peaches and plums, and Fenghuangfei, is located in the National Scenic Area and is known as the Phoenix Mountain Foothills. Its predecessor was “Qifeng Academy” built in 1877 AD and has a history of 125 years. For more than a hundred years, the school has been rigorously rigorous with talents. After the founding of New China, the first principal, Mao Fengjun, was the first secondary school principal to be interviewed by Chairman Mao Zedong. Guo Moruo wrote the school card for the school. In 1962 it was identified as a provincial key middle school. In 1982, it was identified as the first provincial key middle school. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, college entrance examination results have been ranked in the forefront of the Dandong area, there have been many people won the Dandong City Arts and Science Top. The school has a strong team of teachers. Many teachers have won national honors such as model teachers, excellent teachers from the country, and national foreign language teaching schools. The school environment is graceful. The ancient cypresses on the campus are towering, the flowers are blooming, and the old gatehouses that are adorned with radiant edifices are in perfect contrast with the new and chic modern buildings. They are lingering and relaxing. (Wu forever)