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省港大罢工是本世纪20年代中期在香港和广东省发生的一场轰轰烈烈的反帝爱国斗争。这场大罢工规模之大、坚持时间之久,给港英当局造成的损失之巨,都是空前的。这场伟大斗争发生在国共两党第一次合作期间,是两党共同组织、领导工人运动的成功范例。回顾这一斗争历程,对于庆祝香港回归、最终实现祖国完全统一是很有意义的。 一、大罢工的准备和发动 1.大罢工的起因 本世纪20年代,帝国主义列强对中国的侵略和掠夺日益加剧,激起了中国人民的不断反抗。列强以残酷的屠杀妄图慑服中国人民的反抗意志。继1925年4、5月发生福州惨案和青岛惨案之后,又制造了震惊中外的上海五卅惨案,这是激起省港大罢工的直接原因。 5月15日,上海日本纱厂资本家枪杀了要求上班、照发工资的工人顾正红并打伤10多人。5月30日上午,上海工人、学生2千多人,分组在公共租界各马路散发反帝传单,发表抗议惨杀顾正红暴行的讲演。租界当局出动武装巡捕,大肆拘捕爱国学生。当 The strike at Port-Hong Kong is a vigorous anti-imperialist and patriotic struggle that took place in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province in the mid-1920s. The large-scale strike this strike, the persistent loss of giant Hong Kong-British authorities over a long period of time is unprecedented. This great struggle took place during the first cooperation between the two parties of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. It is a successful example of bipartisan organization and leadership of the workers’ movement. Reviewing this course of struggle makes great sense in celebrating the return of Hong Kong and eventually realizing the complete reunification of the motherland. I. Preparation and launching of the strike 1. The cause of the strike This period of the 1920s saw the intensification of the aggression and plunder by the imperialist powers over China and stirred the constant resistance of the Chinese people. The brutal massacre by the powers in their vain attempt to deter the Chinese people’s will to resist. Following the April 4-5 May 1925 tragedy in Fuzhou and the tragedy in Qingdao, a massacre of Shanghai Wutai at home and abroad was created. This is the direct cause of the general strike in Hong Kong and Kong. On May 15, Shanghai Japan Mill Mill captures Gu Zhenghong, a worker who claims to go to work as his salary, and wounded more than 10 people. On the morning of May 30, more than 2,000 workers and students in Shanghai dispatched anti-imperialism leaflets on various roads in the public concession and delivered speeches in protest of the tragic killing of Gu Zhenghong. The concession authorities dispatched armed patrols and wantonly arrested patriotic students. when