
来源 :冶金财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dzf2006
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去年9月,本刊曾以增刊形式汇集出版了文章和彩照,介绍冶金焦化财务会计方面的成绩和经验,引起冶金行业财会人员的普遍关注。经过一年的努力,冶金焦化系统广大财会人员又创造了什么新成绩、积累了什么新经验?从今年5月召开的冶金焦化价格研究会2002年年会上的发言和最近收集到的文章看,可以说是今年胜过去年,一年一大步,一步一层天。在新的一年里,冶金焦化广大财会人员认真贯彻中央经济工作会议和全国经贸工作会议精神,按照中国钢铁工业协会的工作部署,以进一步提高冶金焦化行业经济运行质量和效益为中心,以强化企业市场竞争力为目标,以降低成本、盘活资金为重点,应对入世,全面加强财务管理,又取得了新成绩、积累了新经验。为广泛宣传推广这些经验,本刊与中国价格协会冶金焦化行业研究会一起,共同组织了冶金焦化财务与价格专辑,以飨读者。 In September last year, we published a series of articles and photos with supplements to introduce the achievements and experiences of metallurgical coking and financial accounting, arousing widespread concern among the accounting staff in the metallurgical industry. After a year of efforts, metallurgical coking system, the majority of accounting personnel has created what new achievements, accumulated what new experience? May Metallurgical Price Conference held in May this year, the annual meeting of the speech and recently collected articles look , It can be said that this year is better than last year, a major step by step, step by step. In the new year, metallurgical coking majority of accounting personnel conscientiously implement the Central Economic Work Conference and the National Economic and Trade Conference, in accordance with the China Iron and Steel Association’s work arrangements to further improve the quality and efficiency of the economic operation of the metallurgical coking industry as the center, to strengthen Enterprise market competitiveness as the goal, with the focus on reducing costs and activating funds, to cope with the accession to the WTO, comprehensively strengthen financial management, achieve new achievements, and accumulate new experiences. In order to widely publicize these experiences, we work with the Metallurgical Coking Industry Research Association of China Price Association to jointly organize a metallurgical coking financial and price album to readers.
Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy has been used worldwide for stratigraphic correlation.In this study,δ13Ccarb values are estimated for the Early Cambrian Sugai
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