法国近代作曲家比才(Bizet Georges.1838——1875)的歌剧《卡门》,特别是当中的《哈巴涅拉舞曲》和《斗牛士之歌》,近年在我国群众音乐生活中,已成为众所周知和喜爱的名曲,广播和电视里也经常播放。中国如此,国外更为风行,在欧美几乎家喻户晓.但是,这部风靡全球的著名歌剧,在一百一十年前首次公演时,却遭到完全的失败,使比才在精神上受到沉重的打击,不久他就逝世了,死时年仅36岁。
The opera “Carmen” of modern French composer Bizet Georges (1838--1875), especially “Havanah dance” and “song of the matador”, has become known to all in the mass music life of our country in recent years. And favorite songs, radio and television are also often played. China is so popular abroad that it is almost a household name in Europe and the United States, but when it premiered for the first time in a hundred and ten years before its debut, the famous opera in the world was completely defeated and the spirit was greatly beaten Strike, and soon he died, died only 36 years old.