幽香百合 盛开在钓友身旁——记山西临汾百合鱼饵有限公司

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提起山西,人们往往首先想到的就是“晋商”。在清代,山西商人不仅垄断了我国北方的贸易和资金调度且走出国门,进入了亚洲市场,触角甚至伸向了欧洲。可以说,当时从蒙古草原的骆驼商队,到上海港正在出海的商船,都能看到山西人的身影,都能看到山西出的货物。今日的山西人,仍旧保持着先人勇于开拓的精神,不断诠释着“晋商”的新意义。2002年成立的临汾百台鱼饵有限公司,正是由这样一批富有朝气、勇于创新的年轻人建立起来的。2002年牺汾百台鱼饵有限公司初建时规模并不大。但由于汇集了一批富有想法的年轻人,所以有效地克服了国有企业以及家族企业所存在的一些弊端,他们充分发挥民营股份制企业管理的灵活性,以一种积极进取的姿态昂然出现在山西商界。在引进现代企业内部运行体制的同时,百合鱼饵成功地建立起稳固而专业的外部服务机制,他们依托自身所具有的专业化营销队伍,网络化的市场管理模式,规范化的客户服务系统,现代化的经营理念,诚信化的客户合作方式,使企业不断稳定而持续的发展。在发展的过程中,百合鱼饵并没有盲目的扩大规模,投资建设与饵料相关的附属产业,而是本着“强强合作,优势互补”的精神,积极地与其他知名食品原料、食品添加剂以及调昧品生产企业加强联系,紧密合作。这一举措有效地避免了资源的浪费和投资的风险,提高了产品的技术含量,使公司不断平稳地发展。 When we talk about Shanxi, people often think of the first thing is “Shanxi Merchants.” In the Qing Dynasty, Shanxi merchants not only monopolized trade and capital dispatching in northern China and went out of the country to enter the Asian market. The tentacles even extended to Europe. It can be said that at that time, the camel traders from the Mongolian steppe to the merchant ships that were going out to sea in Shanghai were able to see the shadows of the people in Shanxi and could see the goods from Shanxi. Today’s Shanxi people still maintain the pioneering spirit of their ancestors and constantly interpret the new meaning of “Shanxi Merchants”. Linyi Baitai Fishing Bait Co., Ltd., established in 2002, was established by such a group of young people who are full of vigor and innovation. In 2002, the sacrifice of Baitai Fishing Bait Co., Ltd. was initially built at a modest scale. However, due to the collection of a group of young people with rich ideas, they have effectively overcome the disadvantages of state-owned enterprises and family-owned enterprises. They have given full play to the flexibility of the management of private joint-stock enterprises and emerged in Shanxi in an aggressive and aggressive manner. Business community. While introducing the modern enterprise internal operating system, Lily Bait successfully established a stable and professional external service mechanism. They rely on their own specialized marketing team, networked market management model, standardized customer service system, and modernization. Business philosophy, the integrity of the customer cooperation, so that the company has continued stable and sustained development. In the process of development, Lily Bait has not blindly expanded its scale and invested in the construction of food-related auxiliary industries. Instead, it has actively cooperated with other well-known food ingredients and food additives in the spirit of “strong cooperation and complementary advantages”. Tune up the production enterprises to strengthen contact and cooperate closely. This measure effectively avoided the waste of resources and the risk of investment, increased the technological content of products, and enabled the company to continue to develop steadily.
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