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去年6月份NBA总决赛第六场比赛中那记决定性的投篮宛如刚刚发生过一样,而1997-1998赛季NBA也正杀得轰轰烈烈,在这时一个站在角落里看风景的人引起了我的注意,他摘下墨镜时,我认出了他——斯科特·皮彭,他的脚伤正在复原,但心情好象是没有缓过来,显得漫不经心。“公牛队能否再创造出第二个三连冠的神话?”皮彭面无表情地回答:“非常有可能。”谁也无法否定他的回答,但是,难道公牛队就没有一丝缺憾吗?在新赛季开始之前,因合约问题而最为引人注目的莫过于西雅图超音速队和公牛队了。公牛队正面临着主教练菲尔·杰克逊、乔丹、罗德曼等人合约到期的问题。而最为引人注目的则是今年合约期满的皮彭。公牛队曾几次欲将他交换出去,他自己也在一段时间内寄希望于此。但最终失败了,那是因为当这一消息不胫而走的时候,乔丹站出来说:“如果皮彭不在公牛队,我也将引退。”这番话使公牛队的主管部门感到了极大的压力。于是,他们做出了留下皮彭的决定。这一决断是否正确只能取决于1997-1998赛季公牛队的成败了。公牛跨入19981998年的公牛队不再无懈可击了,本赛季开赛以来,他们的表现与老鹰、湖人相比显然难说精彩,而且许多场次王气尽失。 Last season’s record-breaking sixth in the NBA Finals in June last year was just as dramatic as the NBA’s 1997-1998 season, when a man standing in the corner watching the landscape caught me Note that when he removed the sunglasses, I recognized him - Scott Pippen, his foot injury is recovering, but the mood seems to have not slowed down, seemed careless. “Can the Bulls again create the myth of a second triple crown?” “Pippen answered blankly:” It is quite possible. “” No one can deny his answer, but does the Bulls Did you get a glimmer of caution? Before the start of the new season, the Seattle Sonics and the Bulls were the most noticeable due to contractual issues. The Bulls are facing the expiration of coach Phil Jackson, Jordan, Rodman and others. The most striking is the contract expires this year, Pippen. The Bulls have tried to swap him out on several occasions, and he himself hopes for some time. But in the end, it was because when the news spread like wildfire, Jordan stood up and said: “If Pippen is not in the Bulls, I will retire.” The remarks made the Bulls administration feel A great deal of pressure So, they made the decision to leave Pippen. The correctness of this decision can only depend on the success or failure of the Bulls 1997-1998 season. Bulls entered the 19981998 Bulls are no longer impeccable, since the start of the season, their performance is clearly hard to say compared with the Hawks, the Lakers, and many games lost.
本文结合石油六厂所建造的球罐分析了影响球罐焊接质量的各种因素,提出了保证焊接质量的措施。 In this paper, we analyze the various factors that affect the welding q
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《伊莉莎白》的导演谢加·凯普尔说:”我第一眼看到凯特,就从她的脸上看出了成为一名伟大演员的天赋。” “Elisabeth” director Xiejia Kepuer said: “When I first saw