
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcn009
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Diagnostic concordance of intraepithelial malignancy is generally only fair. B ecause the diagnosis of actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is not uniform and because such terms are not consonant with the nomenclature o f other human epithelial malignancies, nomenclature revisions have been attempte d. One hundred dermatopathologists were solicited to review 15 tissue sections r epresenting a spectrum of varying thickness epidermal malignancy and to choose e ither AK or SCC as the diagnosis. Among the 77 participating dermatopathologists , intraclass correlation was high for what was perceived as AK, SCC, and their d ifferentiation. Development of a two-tiered diagnostic system that retains our present diagnostic capabilities, but better fits the pathobiology of superficial epidermal malignancy is suggested. Diagnostic concordance of intraepithelial malignancy is generally only fair. B ecause the diagnosis of actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is not uniform and therefore such terms are not consonant with the nomenclature of other human epithelial malignancies, nomenclature revisions have been attempte d. One hundred dermatopathologists were solicited to review 15 tissue sections r epresenting a spectrum of varying thickness epidermal malignancy and to choose eherher AK or SCC as the diagnosis. Among the 77 participating dermatopathologists, intraclass correlation was high for what was perceived as AK , SCC, and their d of differentiation. Development of a two-tiered diagnostic system that retains our present diagnostic capabilities, but better fits the pathobiology of superficial epidermal malignancy is suggested.
我周围凡是和孙秀芳打过交道 的朋友几乎没有不佩服她的,佩服的原因既不因为她是康柏公司高层职业经理人,也不因为她在IT圈里的名气,无一例外的都是因为她的为人,她爽朗的性
一个热爱生活,喜欢宠物的理科男生,当他发现市面上的所有宠物喂食器都无法做到智能喂食的效果后,他利用自己所学的专业知识开发了一款既可以远程遥控,又可以时时让主人与宠物互动的智能喂食器“小蛮腰”。在获得众多爱宠一族热烈追捧的同时还获得了500万的Pre-A轮融资。他就是毕业于哈尔滨工业大学的刘坤。  理科男与智能宠物机器人之缘  理工男刘坤不仅喜欢外出旅行,还喜欢养花草和动物。因为这个原因,刘坤的家里
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月末回乡探亲,顺便到发小阿梅的家静坐了半日。见方的院落里,整齐地建起一排猪舍,里面的几十头新近的猪娃们吃饱喝足后正在安睡。门前的一池椭圆形的花坛里,几株时令的月季花开得正艳,浓郁的花香招引着附近的蝶虫纷至沓来。  进屋后,热情的阿梅为我泡了一杯茶,沸腾的水面上,几瓣纤碎的玫瑰叶片泛着馨香,忍不住多喝了几口。细看阿梅的卧室不大,临窗的书桌上放着一个小巧的紫檀书架,上面摆满了各色书籍,随意抽取一本,竟
王东子 1967年生于北京。 1980年在北京市少年宫学习绘画。 1988年毕业于北京市工艺美校环艺专业,留校工作5年,负责并创建美校陶艺工作室,获教师创作基金奖。 1994年获法国
对 SCI 与 CSTPCD 收录的数学期刊在载文量、影响因子和引文量方面进行了比较,分析了我国数学期刊与国际同类期刊的差距,并提出了相关建议。 The paper compares the quanti