
来源 :兰州铁道学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikezhai128
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去年,兰州铁路枢纽土门墩编组站,为适应全国工农业生产高涨、对铁路运输提出的日益增长的客观需要,学习了丰台车站在牵出线上平地“起峯”地创举、修建了“土驼峯”调车设备。但驼峯作业遇到些困难,效率不高。鉴于此种情况,我们与车站同志们一起,根据全国铁路“土驼峯”设计与运用经验交流现场会议的经验,对该站原“土驼峯”的构造,作了研究和改建设计。原“土驼峯”的主要问题是峯高过大。为求得适当的峯高,在设计中考虑以增減推送初速和稍加起落碴床的办法,来解决冬夏季峯高差的问题,因而试用全年平均温度作为计算温度。求得峯高为2.26米,较原有峯高3.09米减低0.83米。经过验算证明,在本地区的气候条件下,这样做法是可行的。改建后,使用率提高到80%,据初步观测,作业效率提高30——40%。 Last year, in order to meet the growing objective needs of railway transportation, the Tuen Mun Marshalling Station at Lanzhou Railway Hub, in order to meet the growing objective needs of railway transportation, learned from Fengtai Station’s “peak” on the pull-out line and built a “ Peak ”shunting equipment. However, hump operation encountered some difficulties, efficiency is not high. In view of this situation, together with the station comrades, we exchanged the design of the original “Tuola Peak” at the site according to the experience of the on-site conference on the design and experience of “Tuola Peak” design and research. The main problem of the original “hump peak” is that the peak height is too large. In order to obtain the appropriate peak height, in the design, the method of increasing or decreasing the initial velocity and slightly lifting the ballast bed is taken into account to solve the winter-summer peak height difference. Therefore, the annual average temperature is used as the calculation temperature. Find the peak height of 2.26 meters, 3.09 meters lower than the original peak 0.83 meters lower. After checking, this method is feasible under the climatic conditions in the region. After renovation, the utilization rate increased to 80%, according to preliminary observations, operating efficiency increased by 30 - 40%.
The brine shrimp Artemia is often abundantly found in hypersaline environments.The larvae(nauplii) hatching from its dormant embryos(cysts) are a crucial live food item for the larval stages of fish a
铁道部工务局和物资局于1984年4月4日至8日在柳州铁路局玉林工务段召开混凝土轨枕线路接头病害整治经验交流会和14mm 柱形高弹性胶垫技术审查会。各铁路局、铁道部科学研究
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到1986年止,七年计划将把现有的老工厂改变为“无报表工厂”。伊利工厂的主要方面是柔性加工系统、计算机辅助套裁、火焰切割系统以及在作业过程中工件自动储存和补充。 GE
运材岔线使用期较短,建筑费用很高,需要寻求经济的岔线结构和最佳铺设方案。 1977年,笔者提出了建筑装车场环形设置的岔线方案。该方案如下:不象通常那样把岔线修到伐区的尽