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在政府组成序列中,发改委部门与财政部门是最重要的两个组成部门;在宏观调控中,两者同样是十分关键的操控手;在现实政治中,两者亦是极具备分量的部门。如果我们不是太苛求的话,可以打个不太贴切的比喻:发改委在一定程度上履行着政府CEO的职能,而财政部门则在一定程度上履行着政府CFO的职能。坦率地说,这两者在工作之中既有合作,也有分歧。在一些财政工作人员看来,在各种重大政策出台之前,发改委系统往往自行其是,在制定政策的过程中不考虑财政的承受力与预算的严肃性,屡屡让财政追加预算、突破财政系统的底线,让财政—政府的CFO在工作中左支右绌,十分尴尬。而在我们的采访过程中,屡屡听到如此互相埋怨、互相指责。当然,产生这种现象的原因是十分复杂的。我们的策划不是为了引发争议,而是抛砖引玉:在推动国民经济平稳较快发展中,二者之间如何有效衔接、默契配合?这是我们的初衷,也是我们的愿景。 In the government composition sequence, the NDRC department and the financial department are the two most important components. In the macro-control, both are also very crucial manipulators; in the real politics, both are also very powerful departments. If we are not too demanding, you can make a less appropriate analogy: the NDRC to some extent to fulfill the functions of the government CEO, while the financial sector to a certain extent, perform the functions of the government CFO. Frankly speaking, both have cooperation and disagreement in their work. In the opinion of some financial workers, prior to the promulgation of various major policies, the system of the NDRC often takes its own course. In formulating policies, it does not consider the affordability of the budget and the seriousness of the budget. It often lets the government append the budget to break through the bottom line of the financial system , It is very embarrassing for the fiscal-government CFOs to make a left-leap in their work. In our interviews, we often hear each other complain and blame each other. Of course, the reason for this phenomenon is very complicated. Our plan is not to trigger controversy, but to start a discussion: In the promotion of the steady and rapid development of the national economy, how to effectively connect and co-operate? This is our original intention and our vision.
当代体育,特别是重大的国际性体育竞赛,其娱乐性愈来愈被对抗和搏击的气氛所湮没。在体育竞赛中,赛场如战场,运动员在竞赛中的表现,反映着一个民族、一个国家的精神风貌。 C
《山海经·西次三经》于山之后载 :“西水行百里 ,至于翼望之山 ,无草木 ,多金玉。有兽恶 ,其状如 ,一目而三尾 ,名曰 ,其音如夺百声 ,是可以御凶 ,服之已瘅”。为何
在过去三十年中,对多种纳米结构和薄膜材料进行了拉曼 布里渊散射的研究.得到一些特征量的变化,如半高宽,峰位的改变;由此可得系列微结构参量.由于纳米(含薄膜)结构的基本特