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我公司实行了蚕种与蚕药配套定量定点供应,明确蚕药供货渠道,减少了伪劣蚕药进入养蚕户。其主要做法是:一,广泛深入宣传以种配药的好处,全面实行以种配药发放办法。县公司拟定了以种配药的文件,下发到茧站、养蚕村和重点养蚕户。宣传以种配蚕药是控制蚕病发生,提高蚕茧产量、质量和增加经济效益,防止伪劣蚕药进入养蚕户的重要措施,是维护蚕农利益的举措。同时县蚕茧科配备一名分管蚕药的化验员,对购进蚕药全面抽查检测;全县七处茧站都配备一名分管蚕药的验收员,对辖区内的蚕药进行检查,负责销售工作,并把蚕药的统筹管 Our company has implemented quantitative fixed-point supply of silkworm silkworm and silkworm medicines, clearly defined silkworm drug supply channels, and reduced counterfeit silkworm medicines from entering sericulture households. The main methods are: First, extensively publicize the benefits of dispensing medicines, and fully implement the distribution method for species distribution. The county company has drafted a variety of medicines and distributed them to the inn, the sericulture village, and the key sericulture households. Propagating to prepare silkworm medicine is an important measure to control the occurrence of silkworm disease, increase silkworm cocoon production, quality, increase economic benefits, and prevent counterfeit silkworm medicine from entering sericulture households, and it is an initiative to safeguard the interests of silkworm farmers. At the same time, the County Cocoon Section is equipped with a laboratory technician in charge of silkworm medicine to conduct comprehensive spot checks on the purchased silkworm medicines; the county’s seven stations are equipped with an inspector who is in charge of silkworm medicine and inspects the silkworm medicines in the area under its jurisdiction. Sales work, and the overall management of silkworm medicine
随着城乡居民经济收入的提高和消费结构的变化,目前国内轻工商品市场呈现三大特点: 一、轻工商品市场已无法按“城市市场”与“农村市场”区分,随着经济的发展,轻工商品消费
轻工总会科技发展部对1995年国家级火炬计划的申报工作提出以下几点要求: 1.各直属单位的高新技术急待商品化、产业化的项目可考虑申报1995年国家级火炬计划项目。凡申请列
根据虞崇荣总工程师签发的泸天化科(1993)1号文件的要求,由《泸天化科技》编辑部组织实施的公司首次青年优秀科技论文 According to the requirements of Lutianhua Chemic
一、经济趋向从1972—1992年年产量增加15%,从9.27亿加仑增加到10.66亿加仑(译者注从379.3万吨增加到484.6万吨)。销售额增加(不包括通货膨胀)28%,从30.09亿美元增加 First
1.全年完成工业总产值50388万元,生产合成氨376064吨,尿素566974吨,浓硝酸28009吨,硝酸铵43359吨,氮肥274570吨, 1. The industrial output value of the whole year was 5