胜景奇缘代代传 弦弄山风声声情——记甘肃2012官鹅沟小提琴夏令营

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8月8日,2012官鹅沟小提琴夏令营正式开营了,此次活动由甘肃省音乐家协会主办、甘肃省小提琴教育委员会承办。夏令营让来自各地的老师、学生和家长在亲近大自然的同时,饱览集原始森林景观、草原景观、地貌景观、水体景观、天象景观、人文景观于一体的官鹅沟胜景,领略古老神秘的藏羌民族原生态生活及他们的建筑、服饰、语言和独具特色的风土人情。来自各地将近70名小提琴营员组成了一支弦乐队阵容,他们中年龄最小的6岁,最大的17岁,学琴程度参照中国音协的考级1至10级各个级别的都有,放在一起水平可以说是参差不齐,若戏称为一支“多国部队”倒也贴切。在这支部队里,绝大多数的琴童没有大齐奏、大合奏排练演出的经验,尽管这样,经过营地短短几天的训练,还是打造出了甘肃省前所未有的一支阵容庞大的少儿小提琴齐奏队伍。在闭幕式演出上,营员们齐奏、合奏的水平大大出乎人们预料,获得一致的赞誉。 On August 8, 2012, the official goose violin summer camp officially opened. The event was hosted by the Gansu Provincial Musicians Association and undertaken by the Gansu Provincial Violin Education Committee. Summer camps allow teachers, students and parents from all over the world to enjoy the scenery of the pristine forests, grasslands, landscapes, landscapes, astronomical landscapes and cultural landscapes while enjoying close proximity to nature. Tibetan and Qiang ethnic original ecological life and their architecture, costumes, language and unique customs. Nearly 70 violin players from around the camp formed a string team, the youngest of them 6 years old, the largest 17 years old, learning piano level with reference to China Music Association Grades 1-10 have all levels, on The level can be said to be uneven, if the jokingly called “multinational force ” is also appropriate. In this unit, most of the musicians did not enjoy big ensemble performance or rehearsal. In spite of this, after a few days of camp training, they have created an unprecedented large-scale children’s violin in Gansu Province Ensemble team. At the closing ceremony, the campers made concerts and the performance of the ensemble was far beyond people’s expectations and received unanimous praise.
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The “Farmers’ Dance” is prevalent in Korean-inhabited areas of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, the three provinces that constitute China’s Northeast. Its
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