
来源 :中国诗歌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengfeiyuren
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在信阳,五六月间的雨往往下得痛快、热烈。风起时总是声势浩大,显得有些嚣张、狂妄,但我喜欢这种小小的暴力。每日行走的社会、江湖,每日面对的人事、脸,都花费我大剂量的措辞、言笑。我已然感到了骨头的干燥和血性的贫乏。大风过境,以其摧枯拉朽之势,以其删繁就简之力,吹着草木,吹着尘土,吹着我。我不懂草木和尘土,不懂风的寓意。但我坚信这里面深藏天意。雨滴落下来。先是在湖面、河流,漾 In Xinyang, the rains during May and June tend to be pleasant and warm. The wind is always massive momentum, it seems arrogant, arrogant, but I like this little violence. Everyday walking society, rivers and lakes, the daily face of personnel, face, have spent my high dose of language, words and deeds. I already feel the bone dry and bloody poor. Strong winds transit, with its curse of the vicissitudes of the trend, with its exaggeration to simple power, blowing vegetation, blowing dust, blowing me. I do not understand vegetation and dust, do not understand the moral meaning. But I firmly believe that there is deep inside. Rain drops down. First in the lake, river, Yang
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有人说:违法赚钱的三大暴利行业是贩卖军火、毒品交易和生产文物赝品。 Someone said: The three major areas of lucrative business that make illegal money are the sal
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