,Asymmetry Localized Modes in an Anharmonic Sphalerite-Structure Lattice

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj3140
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We numerically study the intrinsic localized vibrational modes in a diatomic chain with different masses and alteating force constants between nearest neighbors. This model simulates a row of atoms in the 〈111) direction of sphalerite-structure crystal. We found that the harmonic and quartic anharmonic terms in the nearest-neighbor interaction potential produce the intrinsic localized modes with frequencies above the optical branch or in the gap of the linear spectrum, the distribution pattes of atom amplitudes are asymmetry with a form of quasi-even-or quasi-odd-parity, and the inclusion of cubic term in the potential lowers the frequencies of the modes and introduces static displacements for the atoms.
坐落于湖南省张家界武陵源景区的武陵源二中新校舍,颇具土家族房屋风格,春季来临时,矗立在红、粉、黄等各色花儿中间,看上去像一道靓丽的风景线!  日前,该学校的照片在网上出现后,令万千网友惊呼比去年网上热传的“中国最美希望小学”还“惊艳”,其耗资4000余万元的投资也引起了不小的争议。    正方:   “最牛最美乡村学校”太少了  在一片姹紫嫣红衬托下,武陵源二中的别致校舍,显得清丽脱俗,宛如明信片
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