
来源 :资源与人居环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongqiou
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随着现代社会科学技术的不断进步,工业化时代的来临,人类的物资生产能力达到了一个前所未有的水平。目前,我国正处于经济快速发展时期,与此同时,环境与发展的矛盾越来越突出:在工业化过程中,造纸、电力、冶金等重污染行业将继续发展, 控制污染和生态破坏的难度加大;在城市化过程中,城市环境基础设施建设滞后,大量的垃圾与污水不能得到安全处置,地表植被受到破坏;在农业现代化过程中,化肥农药的使用和养殖业的发展将使耕地污染、持久性有机污染物防治任务更为艰巨,威胁农产品安全;在社会消费转型中,电子电器废物、机动车尾气、有害建筑材料和室内装饰不当等各类新污染呈迅速上升趋势;以爆为主的能源结构长期存在,二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟尘、粉尘治理任务非常艰巨;转基因产品、新化学物质等新技术、新产品将对环境和健康带来更多潜在风险。环境污染可以说已经渗透到我们生产和生活的各个方面。其中尤以群体性环境污染以其巨大的危害性,涉及范围的广泛性,社会效应的轰动性而备受关注。如何有效防治群体性环境污染以及在发生群体性环境污染损害的情况下如何及时和合理的获得法律救济是值得我们思考和关注的一个重要问题。 With the continuous improvement of modern social science and technology and the advent of the industrialized era, mankind’s material production capacity has reached an unprecedented level. At present, our country is in a period of rapid economic development. At the same time, the contradictions between environment and development have become increasingly prominent. In the course of industrialization, the heavy-polluting industries such as paper-making, electric power and metallurgy will continue to develop and control the pollution and ecological damage more difficult In the process of urbanization, the construction of urban environmental infrastructure lags behind, a large amount of garbage and sewage can not be safely disposed of, and vegetation on the surface is destroyed. In the course of agricultural modernization, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the development of aquaculture will make the cultivated land pollution, The task of POPs prevention and control is even more arduous, threatening the safety of agricultural products. In the transition of social consumption, new types of pollution such as electrical and electronic waste, motor vehicle exhaust, harmful building materials and improper interior decoration are rapidly rising. Explosion-based Long-term energy structure, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, dust control task is very arduous; genetically modified products, new chemical substances and other new technologies and new products will bring more potential risks to the environment and health. Environmental pollution can be said to have infiltrated all aspects of our production and life. Among them, mass environmental pollution has drawn great attention due to its huge harm, its extensive scope and the social effect. How to effectively prevent and control mass environmental pollution and how to get legal remedies promptly and reasonably in the event of mass environmental pollution damage is an important issue that deserves our consideration and attention.
我就是我,像身上的T恤、牛仔裤一样潇洒,又像脑后马尾、彩色丝带一样洒脱。我就是我,爱说、爱笑、爱唱的快乐女生。 I am just like me, like a T-shirt on my body, jeans,
为了元旦假日后能准时上班,同事小沈可是费了周折。他10天前就订了1月3日回京的飞机票,没想到“起大早赶晚集”。 In order to be able to work on time after the New Year
200多名飞行员的履历造假事件被披露后,中国周一宣称正对国家商业飞行员的资质进行检查。  8月24日,河南航空公司一架巴西生产的客机在中国东北部黑龙江省的一个小机场坠毁,42名乘客遇难。飞机偏离跑道,引起了对于飞行员操作错误的猜测。  据官方媒体报道,中国航空管理部门中国民航总局开展了这项调查。报道称,200多名中国商业飞行员的履历存在造假行为,其中有些人还虚报飞行经历。官方报告称,涉及的飞行员中