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乌鲁木齐市延安路有一座极具民族风格的7层建筑物,这便是新疆科学技术出版社。采访新疆科学技术出版社党委书记、社长王跃平时,正赶上该社人事制度改革的繁忙期,为了确保思路的清晰和时间的充裕,采访地点只好临时改在了会议室。尽管如此,采访还是不时被来人打断。话题一触及“三农”图书的策划、出版和发行时,王跃平社长便侃侃而谈起来。事实上,新疆科学技术出版社自成立以来一直把出好农业科普书籍作为自己的立社之本,而且十几年从未改变。跟风出版流行书,他们没有动摇过;大肆炒作热点书,他们没有眼热过。用真情与真心策划、出版农牧民朋友买得起、读得懂、用得上的“三农”图书,为农牧民致富、为新疆发展尽一份心、出一份力,是新疆科学技术出版社一直坚守的信念。王跃平向记者描绘出一幅助农致富的多彩画卷。早在新疆科学技术出版社成立之初,针对和田地区 Yan’an Road, Urumqi, there is a very ethnic 7-storey buildings, this is the Xinjiang Science and Technology Press. An interview with Wang Yueping, party secretary and president of Xinjiang Science and Technology Press, was caught up in the busy period of reform of the personnel system of the society. In order to ensure a clear idea and ample time, the interview venue had to be temporarily changed to the conference room. Nonetheless, interviews were interrupted by people from time to time. As soon as the topic touched the planning, publishing and distribution of books on “Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers”, President Wang Yueping talked about it with ease. In fact, since its establishment, Xinjiang Science and Technology Publishing House has always regarded good agricultural science books as the foundation of its own establishment and has never changed in more than a decade. Follow the trend of publishing popular books, they did not shake; wanton speculation hot book, they did not eyed. With sincere and sincere planning, publishing farmers and herdsmen friends can afford to read, understand, worthy of “agriculture, farmer ” books, for the farmers and herdsmen to get rich, for the development of Xinjiang to do a heart, out of a force, Xinjiang Science and Technology Press has always adhered to the faith. Wang Yueping portrayed to reporters a colorful picture of helping farmers get rich. As early as Xinjiang Science and Technology Press was first established, for the Hetian area
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中医药是我国优秀的遗产 ,近处来有些中药临床效果不理想。现将有关影响中药临床疗效的因果及防范措施作一粗浅剖析。1 药材品种及质量因素1 1 药材品种不纯 部分药商及
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