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自三月份中央决定统一全国财经工作,省府颁发「加强税收工作决定」以来,我省税收工作确有进展,并已获得显著成绩。税收工作已初步达到了保证供给、回纯货币、稳定物价、平衡负担之目的。但是根据目前了解及从各地报告中看来,我们的稽查工作,确实出现了一些偏差;处理问题不按照条例办事,随便罚没,引起部份人民不满,影响税收政策不能很好贯彻。如离石县柳林税务所对陕西绥德带货路经该地之商人,征「临时营业税」;运城镇税务局长蔡济荣同志在征收第一季工商业税时,对拖欠交款的樊希林等叫户盐商未很好进行说服教育,即随便处以罚金二二六、九○○元(等于原欠款十四倍之多),致遭落后商人反对,暗出黑帖,谩骂政府与税局,并责问「这种处罚是中央什么时候公 Since the Central Government decided in March to unify its work in finance and economics and the provincial government issued the “Decision to Strengthen Tax Work,” tax revenue work in our province has made some progress and remarkable achievements have been made. Taxation work has basically reached the purpose of guaranteeing supply, returning pure currency, stabilizing prices and balancing the burden. However, according to the current understanding and reports from all over the country, some mistakes did indeed appear in our inspection work. Handling problems not in accordance with the regulations and being arbitrarily fined led to dissatisfaction among some people and impaired implementation of tax policies. For example, Li Shui tax office of Lishi County levied “temporary sales tax” on merchants with goods passing through the place in Suide, Shaanxi Province; Fan Xilin and others who defaulted on payment when Commander Cai Jirong of Yuncheng Town collected the first-quarter industrial and commercial tax Salt brokers did not persuade and educate them that they were fined 226,600 yuan (14 times as much as the original arrears) and were opposed by the backward traders to make up for the blackmail and scold the government and tax Bureau and asked: "This punishment is when the Central Government public
Prediction of the height of a water-flowing fracture zone(WFFZ)is the foundation for evaluating water bursting conditions on roof coal.By taking the Binchang mi
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It has recently been reported that coal tar pitch(CTP)can be utilised as raw material for the production of graphene nanocapsules(GNCs)because it is formed by a