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68094部队是一个以收、发、管、运业务工作为中心的专业仓库。近年来,我们始终以收、发、管、运为中心,以安全工作为重点,认真抓好部队思想政治建设,广泛开展以“互学、互帮、互教”为主要内容的“三互”活动,注重把活动渗透到日常工作之中,确保了仓库的安全稳定,促进了仓库的全面建设。我们的做法是:一、针对业务作业量大、收发频繁的特点,注重把“三互”活动渗透到收发过程之中。一是针对部分官兵对收发作业有厌倦情绪的实际,做好思想转化。在执行任务的过程中,注重观察战士的情绪表现,号准思想脉搏,引导“三互”小组循循 68094 Forces is a specialized warehouse for collecting, delivering, managing and transporting business work. In recent years, we have been focusing on security work with a focus on income, distribution, management and transport. We have been paying attention to the ideological and political construction of the armed forces and extensively conducting various activities with the main content of “mutual study, mutual assistance and mutual support” The “three mutual” activities, focusing on the activities infiltrated into daily work to ensure the safety and stability of the warehouse, and promote the comprehensive construction of the warehouse. Our approach is: First, for large amount of business operations, sending and receiving frequent features, focusing on “three mutual ” activities to penetrate the sending and receiving process. First, in view of the fact that some officers and soldiers are tired of receiving and dispatching operations, they should ideologically transform themselves. In the process of carrying out the task, pay attention to observing the emotional performance of the soldier, giving the pulse of the standard quasi-thinking and guiding the “three mutual” group to follow
有的农用运输车随着使用时间的增长,制动从有效到无力,以至于无效。经检查、制动管内有 Some agricultural vehicles with the use of time increases, braking from effec
收割机作业结束后,做好长期闲置的保养工作是十分重要的。 (1)作业结束后,对机车要全面清洗干净,但切莫将水箱的散热器片弄坏。 (2)清洗干净后的机车,应晾干,在易积水的部位