
来源 :中国法学教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangchao1989
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一方面,作为法律强国,美国在传统法学教育方面拥有成熟经验。另一方面,虽然美国的普通法系传统基因决定了美国没有独立的、成体系的工程法学部门,但是崇尚法治又极为务实的美国人并没有遗忘法律对工程学科等自然学科的重要性;美国的土木工程学院一般都会开设“Legal Aspectsin Civil Engineering”或“Legal Aspectsin Construction”之类的工程法学课程。美国在传统法学教育方面的成熟经验及其在土木学院工程法学教学中的紧贴实践需求的具体做法足资中国工程法人才教育借鉴;具体而言,其对中国工程法人才教育的启示是:教学方法上应实现从案例教学法向工程案例争点教学法的优化改造,教学内容上应基于横向的工程专业门类和纵向的工程全寿命周期流程展开,教育培养目标上应进一步指向职业化实践能力。 On the one hand, as a legal power, the United States has mature experience in traditional legal education. On the other hand, although the traditional common law system in the United States determines that the United States does not have an independent and integrated department of engineering law, Americans who advocate the rule of law and are extremely pragmatic do not forget the importance of law in natural sciences such as engineering. Of civil engineering colleges generally open engineering law courses like “Legal Aspects of Civil Engineering” or “Legal Aspects of Construction”. The mature experience of the United States in the traditional law education and its practice of keeping pace with the practical needs in the teaching of engineering and law in the civil engineering college are sufficient sources of reference for the education of Chinese engineering law talents. Specifically, its enlightenment on the education of Chinese engineering law talents is: Teaching methods should be realized from the case teaching method to the case of the project case optimization teaching method, the teaching content should be based on horizontal engineering specialty categories and vertical engineering life cycle process, education and training objectives should further point to the professional practice ability .
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等待被火化的十七年    河北唐山,陆家的两个九岁女孩的血肉化为乱骨,被存在火化场的一个纸箱里。  此时距她们离世,已过去整整十七年。  当年的嫌疑人是同村菜贩廖海军。警方在事发后很快便宣告破案,认定杀人动机为:因陆家占了摊位而心怀不满。  不过陆家人在致法院的信中写道,陆家从未与廖家发生口角。  陆家人看到案件的相关报道和法医结论不一致,觉得警方草草结案,他们不想让俩孩子死得不明不白。  等待真
【内容摘要】目前,高中的数学因为引入了函数等变量,使得数学的学习较为抽象。而且,现阶段的数学教学方式较为落后,学生被动的接受知识的灌输,数学习较为吃力,对学生学习兴趣的培养不利。因此,在数学的教学中可以引入数形结合的方式,将抽象的变量通过直观的图形进行进一步的理解,便于学生的学习。本文主要针对高中数学教学中数形结合方法的应用进行探讨。  【关键词】高中数学 数形结合 应用  在高中的数学教学过程中
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