Phase separation in synthetic biology

来源 :定量生物学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fishe1042
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Background:The concept of phase separation has been used to describe and interpret physicochemical phenomena in biological systems for decades.Many intracellular macromolecules undergo phase separation,where it plays important roles in gene regulation,cellular signaling,metabolic reactions and so on,due to its unique dynamic properties and biological effects.As the noticeable importance of phase separation,pioneer researchers have explored the possibility to introduce the synthetically engineered phase separation for applicable cell function.Results:In this article,we illustrated the application value of phase separation in synthetic biology.We described main states of phase separation in detail,summarized some ways to implement synthetic condensates and several methods to regulate phase separation,and provided a substantial amount of identical examples to illuminate the applications and perspectives of phase separation in synthetic biology.Conclusions:Multivalent interactions implement phase separation in synthetic biology.Small molecules,light control and spontaneous interactions induce and regulate phase separation.The synthetic condensates are widely used in signal amplifications,designer orthogonally non-membrane-bound organelles,metabolic pathways,gene regulations,signaling transductions and controllable platforms.Studies on quantitative analysis,more standardized modules and precise spatiotemporal control of synthetic phase separation may promote the further development of this field.
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