Pajama Headaches Dress code normal during Shanghai Expo

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flybear
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  Meanwhile in Shanghai a similar banwas imposed but this time in the nameof modernization and civilized behavior.Pajama-wearing in public, it was suggested,goes against the rules of international eti-quette. A city modern enough to host theWorld Expo should be ashamed to be seenout in its nightwear. Foreigners will laugh.It looks backward. Media reports talked ofteams of volunteers going round the streetsand lurking at gates in residential districtsto persuade pajama wearers to go homeand change before they hit the supermarket.
The minstorms left 86 people dead and 16missing by May 12. About 7.9 million peoplehave been affected by the rainstorms and directeconomic losses totaled close to 5.9 billion yuan($868 million), the M
But great differences exist between China'spresent economy and Japan's in the 1980s,which means China has little chance of experi-encing a long-term Japanese-style recession.  Nonetheless, it is still
From dawn to dusk, long queues ofvisitors wait patiently to catch a glimpse ofthe mystery of the distant central Europeancountry, with neither chilly drizzle nor blaz-ing sun affecting their enthusias
The amendments, adopted on April 29and effective December 1, were ratified atthe end of a tour-day bimonthly session ofthe NPC Standing Committee.
Shanghai is located on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and at the central point of China's eastern coast, where the Yangtze River empties into the sea.
The celebrations culminated in a militaryparade in Moscow's Red Square on May9. More than I 1,000 service personnel tookpart in the parade, which featured 161 tanksand missiles as well as 127 aircraft
Record-shattering auction focuses the spotlight on modern Chinese artworks.
Participating countries at the 2010 World Expo inShanghai can choose a day as their National PavilionDay. The day is usually celebrated with ceremoniesand performances, which bring the nation's cultur
His melodies stick in mindlike no one else's and draw thelisteners into a world of spiritthat is the very essence of theRomantic artistic experience.No classical composer, beforeor since, has devoted
The quake left more than 86,600 peopledead or missing and millions homeless.  Now, after 700 days of relief efforts, thepeople of Sichuan are getting back on theirfeet and rebuilding their homes. Thei