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局势:整治没商量通信技术发展日新月异,随着光纤通信的崛起和迅速发展,曾发挥了巨大作用的微波通信优势渐失。首先,微波在容量上难以与光纤抗衡,在单位成本上也处于劣势;其次,联通、广电、润迅都在大规模建设SDH微波,长途传输市场竞争加剧,此外加入WTO之后利润最丰厚的移动电话和长途传输交换业务更将成为电信业竞争的焦点;三是微波电路质量不够稳定,导致有些电信部门有光纤就不用微波,电路越不用就越有问题,越有问题就越没用户愿意用,形成 Situation: Remediation did not discuss the rapid development of communications technology, with the rise and rapid development of optical fiber communications, microwave communications has played a significant role in the loss of advantage. First of all, the microwave capacity is difficult to compete with the optical fiber, unit cost is also at a disadvantage; Second, China Unicom, Radio and Television, Run Xun are large-scale construction of SDH microwave, long-distance transmission market competition intensified, in addition to joining WTO, the most lucrative mobile Telephone and long-distance transmission switching business will become the focus of competition in the telecommunications industry; third is the quality of microwave circuit is not stable enough, resulting in some telecommunications departments do not have the optical fiber microwave, the more the more the circuit more problems, the more problems the less users are willing to use ,form
复发性自然流产(recurrent spontaneous abor-tion,RSA)是指自然流产连续发生3次或3次以上。它是育龄妇女常见的妊娠并发症,发生率约为5%。其发病因素复杂,除遗传、解剖、内
各位领导,同志们: 根据会议安排,我就湟中县统计信息自动化工程建设情况作如下简要汇报,不妥之处,敬请指正。一、工程建设情况 2000年是湟中县统计信息自动化工程全面实施的
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In the present study we report on changes in irritable bowel syndrome-severity scoring system(IBS-SSS)and irritable bowel syndrome-quality of life(IBS-QoL)in 19
为获得可以区分自然感染和疫苗免疫且毒力较弱的布鲁氏菌候选疫苗株,本实验研究了磷酸葡萄糖变位酶基因(pgm)对布鲁氏菌(Brucella melitensis)M5-90疫苗株毒力的影响,并对其