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栗树红蜘蛛是严重影响栗树产量的害虫。过去,我们对这种虫子的发生和危害重视不够,结果到1969年蔓延成灾,栗子产量由1968年的10万斤下降到6.7万斤,比1968年减产33%,而且树势变弱,枝枯叶黄,早期落叶,质量降低。这一事实使我们深刻的认识到:要获得栗子的优质、高产、稳产,必须加强综合管理,特别是对粟树红蜘蛛的防治。通过几年来的实践,已初步摸清此虫的发生发展规律,有效地控制了危害。现将初步观察、防治的方法,介绍如下: 一、栗树红蜘蛛的特点及发生发展规律1.危害症状及特点栗树红蜘蛛与其它果树的红蜘蛛不同,寄主单一,只危害栗树。在栗树叶片正面吸食汁液,被害栗树,树叶正面呈灰白色小点,严重时整个叶片变得枯黄,树势变弱,早期落叶,栗蓬早期变黄,栗果皱 Chestnut Red spider is a pest that seriously affects the yield of chestnut trees. In the past, we paid insufficient attention to the occurrence and harm of such insects. As a result, the spread of the disease in 1969 caused the output of chestnuts to drop from 100,000 kilograms in 1968 to 67,000 kilograms, a 33% decrease from 1968, Withered leaves yellow, early leaves, reduce the quality. This fact enables us to profoundly realize that to obtain the high quality, high yield and stable yield of chestnuts, we must strengthen the integrated management, especially the prevention and control of poppy spider mite. After several years of practice, it has initially found out the law of occurrence and development of this pest and effectively controlled the harm. Now preliminary observation, prevention and treatment methods are described below: First, the characteristics of chestnut red spider and occurrence and development of the law 1. Harm symptoms and characteristics Chestnut red spider and other fruit trees of red spiders different from a single host, only endanger chestnut trees. In front of chestnut leaves, the juice was taken from the front of the chestnut tree, and the chestnut trees were harvested. The leaves showed small white spots on the obverse side. In severe cases, the whole leaves became yellowish and the plants became weaker. Early deciduous leaves,
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