
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjianwu2008
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苏联提高零售价格的措施出台以后,由于经济危机不断加深,并未取得预期的效果,这在苏总理帕夫洛夫4月下旬向苏共中央全会所作的报告中可以看出其究竟。报告说,经济形势继续尖锐化,达到了危机的境地。生产的衰退实际上已笼罩了所有部门,衰退的程度在不断增加。今年一季度,生产性国民收入下降了10%,经济联系正在迅速解体,仅1至3月,全国有70多亿卢布的产品合同没有按时完成,消费市场已经遭到破坏和走向恶化。苏联总理向中央所作的报告指出,今天看来,在着手改革时,既未充分认识到国内局势的全部困难,也未认识到积累的问题的尖锐性和必需进行变革的规模。最主要的是,没有所 After the introduction of the measures to raise retail prices in the Soviet Union, due to the deepening economic crisis, the expected result was not achieved. This can be seen in the report made by Soviet Prime Minister Pavlov in late April to the plenary session of the CPSU Central Committee. The report said the economic situation continued to be sharpened and reached a crisis. The recession in production has virtually shrouded all sectors and the level of recession is steadily increasing. In the first quarter of this year, the productive national income dropped by 10% and the economic ties were rapidly disintegrating. From January to March alone, more than 7 billion rubles of the country’s product contracts were not completed on time and the consumer market has been damaged and worsened. The Soviet Prime Minister’s report to the Central Government pointed out that it seems today that neither the full difficulties of the domestic situation nor the acute problems of the accumulated problems and the scale of the changes that are necessary are taken into account when embarking on the reform. Most importantly, nothing
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