仿佛中国一夜暴富,世界顶级豪华轿车纷纷进入中国。六月初,就在北京国际车展开幕之前,北欧名车SAAB 在珠海亮相,这款被港人译做绅宝的豪华轿车,以其稳重流畅的外形,强劲动力享誉国际车坛。可惜在归顺通用汽车旗下以后,建树不彰,颇觉郁闷。于是通用决定带萨博(这是通用为 SAAB 确定的统一译名)到中国一起玩。它在珠海机场的亮相很有创意,一架飞机引路,三辆萨博紧随其后。不过飞机是落后的双翼机,比不上舒马赫开 F1和 F-16赛跑那么有气势。紧接着捷豹销售店鸣锣开张,打的是皇家血统
As if China’s overnight riches, the world’s top luxury cars have entered China. In early June, just before the opening of the Beijing International Auto Show, the Nordic luxury car SAAB debuted in Zhuhai. This luxury car, translated by Hong Kong people as a Saab, enjoys a reputation as a stable and fluid figure in the international car arena. Unfortunately, after the return of GM’s subsidiary, achievements are not satisfactory, quite depressed. So GM decided to bring Saab (this is the common definition for SAAB unified translation) to China to play together. Its appearance at Zhuhai Airport was very innovative, with one aircraft leading the way and three Saabs followed. However, the aircraft is backward biplane, not as good as Schumacher opened the F1 and F-16 race so imposing. Followed by the Jaguar sales department opened, hit the royal lineage