四川汶川M_S 8.0大地震地表破裂带的遥感影像解析

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2008年5月12日发生于四川盆地西部龙门山断裂带的汶川MS 8.0级大地震造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,并形成了空间上基本连续分布的地表破裂带(地震断层)。根据地表破裂带的解译标志及影像特征,我们充分利用震后中国科学院航空遥感飞机所获取的高分辨率航空遥感图像以及我国台湾福卫-2卫星遥感图像进行详细解译分析,并结合震后的多次野外科学考察与验证,初步查明了四川汶川MS 8.0级大地震所产生地表破裂带的空间分布特征。遥感解译分析表明汶川大地震产生的地表破裂带总计长约300km,其几何学特征十分复杂,主要沿先存的NE走向活动断裂带呈不连续展布;变形特征以逆冲挤压为主兼具右旋走滑分量。按同震地表破裂带所在断裂带位置,可将其分为两条:中央地表破裂带:沿映秀-北川断裂带分布,从西南开始呈北东向延伸至平武县水观乡石坎子北东一带,长约230km,最大垂直位移量达6.0m左右,最大右旋水平位移达5.8m;山前地表破裂带:沿灌县-安县断裂带分布,由都江堰市向峨乡一带开始呈北东向延伸至安县雎水镇一带,长约70km,以逆冲挤压为主,最大垂直位移量可达2.5m。此外,遥感图像分析还表明上述地表破裂带与地质灾害分布在空间上具有十分密切的相关性,因此,挤压逆冲-走滑型地震断层的致灾效应研究是未来应该加以重视的研究课题。 On May 12, 2008, the MS 8.0 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake that occurred in the Longmen Shan fault zone in the western Sichuan Basin resulted in huge casualties and property losses, and the formation of a basically continuous surface rupture zone (seismic fault) in space. According to the interpretations and image features of the surface rupture zone, we make full use of the high-resolution aerial remote sensing images acquired by the Chinese Academy of Science airborne remote sensing aircraft and the remote sensing images of Taiwan’s Favow-2 satellite for detailed interpretation and analysis, After many field scientific investigation and verification, initially identified the spatial distribution characteristics of surface rupture zone caused by Wenchuan MS 8.0 earthquake in Sichuan Province. The interpretation of remote sensing shows that the surface rupture zone produced by the Wenchuan earthquake is about 300 km in length and its geometric characteristics are very complicated. The active fault zone mainly distributes discontinuously along the pre-existing NE strike. The deformation features are dominated by thrusting Both dextral strike-slip components. According to the location of the fault zone where the coseismic surface rupture zone is located, it can be divided into two parts: the central surface rupture zone distributes along the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault zone, and extends northeastward from the southwest to Shikanzi North East of the belt, about 230km, the maximum vertical displacement of about 6.0m, the maximum right-handed horizontal displacement of 5.8m; piedmont surface rupture zone: distribution along the Guanxian - An County fault zone, from Dujiangyan City to Emei area began north It stretches eastward to Dashui Town, Anxian County, about 70km in length, mainly thrusting and crushing, with a maximum vertical displacement of up to 2.5m. In addition, the remote sensing image analysis also shows that the above surface rupture zone has very close correlation with the distribution of geological disasters in space. Therefore, the research on the disaster effect of the crustal thrust-strike-slip earthquake fault should be emphasized in the future .
建立了高效液相色谱法同时分析菊芋发酵液中的乙醇和有机酸的方法。采用HPLC有机酸分析柱,流动相为0.01 mol/L H2SO4,流速为0.5 mL/min,以紫外和示差折光检测器作为双通道检