
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feijingzhi
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河北省玉田县总工会不断创新工会经费收缴方式,把这项工作逐步由部门行为上升为领导行为、全会行为,做到宣传到位,政策到位,指导到位,2002年工会经费收入103万元,首次突破百万元大关,与上年同比增长28.94%,超预算收入的31.93%,为工会各项重点工作的开展打下了坚实的物质基础。主要采取了三项有力措施:一是全员抓收工作形成制度。对单位领导、各部室明确责任,明确分包单位,明确目标,明确奖惩,明确进度,并制订出具体的考核办法,充分调动全员抓收的积极性,仅机关各部室催收经费就达12万多元;二是着力解决好镇乡行政事业单位工会经费由财政统一划拨。在保证县直行政事业单位财政统拨经费及时足额到位的基础上,县总工会又与县财政局联合发文,明确规定凡由镇乡财政拨款的行政事业单位,要将工会经费纳入财政预算,由各镇乡财政所负责所辖镇乡行政事业单位工 The Federation of Labor Unions in Yutian County, Hebei Province, constantly innovates ways of collection of trade union funds and gradually steps up the work from departmental acts to leadership acts and plenary sessions so that publicity is in place and policies are in place and guidance is put in place. In 2002, the labor union income was 1.03 million yuan Breaking the one million yuan mark, up 28.94% from the previous year and 31.93% over budgetary revenue, laying a solid material foundation for the unfolding of the key work of the trade union. Three major measures have been taken: First, all employees receive work to form a system. Departments and departments, departments and units clearly defined responsibilities, clearly subcontracting units, a clear goal, a clear rewards and punishments, a clear progress, and to formulate specific assessment methods, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all staff to catch, only agencies departments and departments of funds collected 120,000 Pluralism; the second is to solve the town of Township administrative unit of trade unions funds allocated by the unified financial. On the basis of ensuring that the financial allocations for direct administrative units in counties are available in full and on time, the county general union and the county finance bureau jointly issued a document clearly stipulating that any administrative unit that is financed by the township financial departments should incorporate the funds of the trade unions into the budget , By the township financial office under the jurisdiction of town and township administrative unit workers
一、工程质量问题和我国结构安全度设置水准现状中国土木工程学会最近召开了第九届学术年会 ,其主题是工程安全度及耐久性。这个主题应该说是近期来工程技术界的一个争论热点
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《中国工会财会》第三期刊登了本人一篇拙作《工会经费收缴绝非“一托就灵”》后,就有读者打电话给我,与我商讨有关经费委托代收问题。这里,我还想再说几句。 The third is
感恩教育是实施班级工作目标的有效途径,为培养学生良好的个性和健全的人格起到了重要的作用。开展感恩教育,让学生具有良好的情商,能有效增强班级凝聚力。 Thanksgiving ed
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场景一老王新买了台电脑,没几天就中了病毒。对于计算机知识,老王可以说是一窍不通,这可让他犯了愁。想找朋友帮忙,却又觉得一点小事情麻烦人家心里过意不去,自己尝试 A new