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一、我国市场发育的基本状况及影响市场发育的因素和问题经济体制改革以来,随着各项改革措施的不断深化和落实,市场体系有所发育,市场调节的作用不断扩大。(1)消费品市场的发展已经初具规模。城乡集贸市场得到了很快的恢复和发展,初步建立了中央、区域和地方性市场相互结合的覆盖全国的市场网络;工业消费品市场有了一定的发展,目前已经形成国营商业、工业自销、供销合作社、农民贩运、集体商业、个体商业、国营商业与供销合作社联合等形式。(2)生产资料市场逐步形成多渠道、少环节的新格局。物资流通体制改变了过去那种一统、二死、三僵化的状况,努力发展有领导、有组织的生产资料市场。(3)生产要素市场正在发育和兴起。资金,证券市场初步建 First, the basic conditions of China’s market development and factors and issues affecting market development Since the economic restructuring, with the continuous deepening and implementation of various reform measures, the market system has developed, the role of market regulation has expanded. (1) The development of the consumer goods market has begun to take shape. The urban and rural trade markets have been rapidly restored and developed. The central, regional, and local markets that have combined with each other have initially established a market network that covers the whole country; the industrial consumer goods market has undergone certain development, and state-owned commercial and industrial self-sufficiency has been formed. , Supply and marketing cooperatives, farmer trafficking, collective commerce, individual business, state-owned commerce, and joint marketing and supply cooperatives. (2) The production material market gradually forms a new pattern with multiple channels and fewer links. The material circulation system has changed the state of the past that is unified, two dead, and three rigid, and strives to develop a market for leadership and organized means of production. (3) The production factor market is growing and rising. Funds, initial construction of the securities market
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage.I had an experience som e years ago which taughtm e som ething aboutthe ways in which peoplem ake a bad s
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一、交通工具类 1、小汽车(包括小轿车、吉普车,车内座位在20个以下[不含20座]或车长在6米以下的[不含6米]的旅行车以及属于小轿车型、吉普车型、旅行车型的各种封闭式车辆)
God loves everyone in the world who doesn’t love himself. Does God love God? -Teilhard de Chardin 上帝爱世上每一个不爱自己的人。上帝爱上帝么? 德日进(1881-1955,