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通常把作物倒伏看作是植物对外界环境(大风、暴雨)等的机械反应。但这是一种简单的看法。因为在很大程度上倒伏现象与其营养状况是紧密相联的。即营养状况决定着茎杆偏离垂直轴程度的大小。如果茎秆节间完全垂直排列,形成单一的轴,那么在其他条件相同情况下,抗倒性即最强。节间连接点如出现的角度越明显,植株倒伏即越严重。即使在 The lodging of crops is often seen as a mechanical response of plants to the external environment (strong winds, heavy rains) and the like. But this is a simple view. Because to a large extent the phenomenon of lodging and its nutritional status are closely linked. The nutritional status determines the size of the stem from the vertical axis. If the internodes are arranged vertically vertically to form a single axis, the lodging resistance is strongest under otherwise identical conditions. If the point of emergence of internodes is more obvious, the lodging of plants is more serious. Even though
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