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  As fire can be a fleeting thing, so can be the friendship of a Ram. If one group of people can't keep up with their constantly changing interests, they'll move on to new friends. Selfishness can sometimes take the upper hand when it's a choice between people and possessions.
  Best Friend: Gemini, Aquarius
  When they say they're your best friend forever,the Bull means it. Their friendship stands the test of time, and many Taurean friends have been this devoted since childhood. Constant, steady, loyal and devoted, this friend will stand by you through life. But be careful not to arouse their jealousy!
  Best Friend: Pisces, Cancer
  The butterfly of the Zodiac has lots of friends. The Twins can bond well with lots of different kinds of groups. If you can match their pace and mercurial temperament, you and your friend will have a blast.
  Best friend : Aries, Leo
  The Crab makes loyal friends, so long as you do nothing to betray their trust. The super emotional pal is likely to call you up and cry into the phone and come to your aid when you're feeling blue. As your friendship grows, your Cancer buddy will likely invite you to family dinners. Take care with the fragile emotions of your friend.
  Best Friend: Taurus, Virgo
  The Lion is happiest when people surround them, especially as they're the center of attention in any crowd. Leo has a ton of friends,but beware of their competitive side. Everyone can be friends with a Leo. Make sure you remind them again and again how grateful you are for their help.
  Best Friend: Gemini, Libra
  The Virgo is the most helpful friend you'll ever have. They're there to assist in the planning of the minute details of your life. At the same time, if you ever actually do need something, Virgo will be right there for you. They give excellent advice and are fast on their feet in crisis situations.
  Best Friend: Cancer, Scorpio
  Libra is a great friend to have. Libra hates being alone, so it'll be a bit demanding of your time and attention. If you ever need anything, they know exactly who to call. Don't worry if your Libra buddy seems a little down at times.They'll leap out of that soon.
  Best Friend: Leo, Sagittarius
  The first rule of friendship with a Scorpio is that you never, ever cross them. Their sting is strong, and they never forget a wrong done to them. You will never know what is on their mind. Friendship with the Scorpion will always be full of surprises.
  Best Friend: Virgo, Capricorn
  You can count on those midnight phone call to be answered by your Sagittarius friend promptly and effectively. In return, you should keep your sense of adventure intact and be ready to run with the Archer wherever their whims lead them.
  Best Friend: Libra, Aquarius
  If a Capricorn thinks you can't do anything for them,it may be difficult to break into their inner circle. At times, the Goat may seem to you more like a parent figure than a friend. A Capricorn, who has once had their trust betrayed, takes a long time to heal.
  Best Friend: Scorpio, Pisces
  Though they have many acquaintances,Aquarius rarely lets people get to know them on a deep level. They are, however, very generous individuals and happy to help anyone in times of need. Keep an open mind, and they'll take you to some exciting new places.
  Best Friend : Sagittarius, Aries
  ●Pisces 双鱼座
  Pisces is sympathetic and compassionate, and cannot bear to see another human being in pain. Indeed, Pisceans feel very deeply about other people as they do not have a strong sense of separation and individuality.
  Best Friend: Virgo, Sagittarius
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