化蛹成蝶 创新超越

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市场经济中的正确选择是遵循规律、发变制变,所谓“市场永远不变的法则是永远在变”。变意味着对原有的超越,意味着创新,意味着思想的解放和观念的更新,也意味着一种新的审视、新的整合、新的引领和新的蜕变。经风沐雨的中国会计,正在经历着这样一次整合、重塑和蜕变。时代的如椽巨笔一挥,包括1项基本准则和38项具体准则在内的中国会计准则体系叹号般屹立!这是一次化蛹为蝶的蜕变,一次登高望远的审视,一次革故鼎新的迸发。会计准则体系的创新,对于深化企业改革,培养自主创新能力,应对金融服务市场开放的挑战,促进资本市场的发展,优化资源配置,保护投资者及公众利益都将产生 The correct choice in the market economy is to follow the law and make changes. The so-called “law of the market will never change.” Change means that the original transcendence means innovation means that the emancipation of mind and the renewal of ideas also mean a new look, new integration, new direction and new transformation. Chinese accountants who have been exposed to the wind are experiencing such an integration, remodeling and transformation. The era of rafters, such as wave brush, including a basic standard and 38 specific guidelines, including China’s accounting standards system stands like an exclamation point! This is a transformation of pupa butterfly, a look into the distance, a revolution Burst. The innovation of accounting standards system will not only deepen the reform of enterprises, cultivate the capability of independent innovation, meet the challenge of opening up the financial service market, promote the development of capital market, optimize the allocation of resources and protect the interests of investors and the public
钨与其他高熔点金属在电子科学上的应用的第五届专题讨论会1988年10月2—4日在美国新墨西哥州阿布圭基市举行,到会的有美国斯坦福大学,IBM,AT&T Bell实验室等著名的大学、研
据12月9日公布的《中国家庭金融调查报告》,2010年中国家庭收入的基尼系数为0.61,远高于2010年世界基尼系数平均值0.44。明年4月,中国家庭金融调查与研究中心将公布中国最新的基尼系数,但超过0.5基本已成定局。  其实,中国在2002年就已越过世界平均水平。而统计局等相关权威机关对此数据的三种解读方式耐人寻味。解读一,中国的基尼系数剔除了一些最高收入和收入为负的家庭样本后计算而成的。而这
The structure and electric properties of the mixed conductors of Li_(1+x)V_3O_8(x=0.1) containing dispersed second-phase α-Al_2O_3 particles have been studied
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