务实创新 稳步发展 打造集体经济新格局——厦门市二轻集体企业联社调研报告

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在我国完善社会主义市场经济,全面建设小康社会的历史条件下,中华全国手工业合作总社第六次代表大会在京胜利召开,从而成为新时期新型集体经济再创辉煌的重要起点和标志。为了更好地贯彻落实“六代会”精神,推动《联社资产管理办法》、《中华人民共和国城镇集体所有制企业条例 Under the historical condition of perfecting the socialist market economy and building an overall well-to-do society in our country, the Sixth Congress of the All-China Handicrafts Cooperation Headquarters was held in Beijing and thus became an important starting point and symbol of creating a new and brilliant collective economy in the new era. In order to better implement the spirit of the “Sixth Generation Meeting,” promote “Associated Assets Management Measures,” "Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Urban Collective Ownership Enterprises
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