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加入WTO是目前人们谈论的一个热门话题,眼看中国离WTO的门槛越来越近(采访时我国尚末加入WTO)中国的制造业市场正成为世界知名企业关注的焦点,这无疑能给我们带来更大的发展机遇,但有机遇就会有竞争。毋庸置疑,中国的民族工业将面临更加激烈的竞争,同时,随着经济全球化的加快,他也逐步溶入到一体化大潮中。“这是一部伟大有机器,这部机器不是用钢铁做成的,而是用许多人的心血和汗水铸出来的.”这是沈鸿老部长在《机械工人》杂志创刊30周年时对她的评价。如今,21年又过去了,作为专业媒体新一代的办刊人,我们一直力求寻找形成我国民族工业与国外知名企业差距的根源,也在努力探求缩短这种差距的突破优势。为此恰逢2001北京国际热处理展之机,我们走访了热处理领域的知名专家和企业界的精英,包括中国热处理行业协会副理事长樊东黎先生,好富顿的赖重颖先生,应达有周大振先生等,他们从不同的角度谈了各自的看法,不为他求,但愿我们的读者能从中有所感悟。 Joining the WTO is a hot topic people are talking about at the moment. China is getting closer and closer to the threshold of WTO (China still does not have accession to the WTO in the interview.) China’s manufacturing market is becoming the focus of world famous enterprises, which undoubtedly will bring us To greater opportunities for development, but there are opportunities for competition. Undoubtedly, China’s national industry will face even more intense competition. At the same time, as the economic globalization accelerates, he will gradually dissolve into the tidal wave of integration. “This is a great machine that is not made of steel, but made with the painstaking efforts and sweat of many people.” This is what Shen Hunglao, minister of the former, published on the 30th anniversary of Machinist magazine Her comment Today, 21 years later, as a new generation of journalists in the professional media, we have always sought to find the root causes of the gap between our national industry and well-known foreign enterprises and are also striving to find breakthroughs in shortening this gap. To this end coincides with the 2001 Beijing International Heat Treatment Exhibition of the machine, we visited the well-known experts in the field of heat treatment and business elite, including China Heat Treatment Industry Association, Fan Dongli, vice president, Houghton Lai’s Mr. Lai, should have Mr. Zhou Dazhen, etc. They talked about their own opinions from different perspectives and did not ask for them. I hope our readers can learn something from them.
我国是一个悠久的传统农业国家,过去,农田养分的投入主要依靠有机肥,到80年代以后,化肥投入的比重超过有机肥,到1993年,我国化肥施用量已占当年农田养分投入总量的 65.9%。
【正】 今年以来,托里县在全县范围内全面开展以找差距、理思路、谋发展为主要内容的"点评"制度,深入查找制约各乡(镇、场)、单位(部门)发展的问题,推动全县以经济建设为中心
A novel complex [Ag(NIT3Py)3]?(ClO4)(H2O) has been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction method. It crystallizes in the rhombohedral s
地震骤发东瀛岛国面临灾难  谣言流传环球各地心生困惑     诗曰:  九级强震袭东瀛,   海啸如虎吞众生。  雪上加霜是福岛,  核电危机举世惊。    人之殇    2011年3月11日,日本突然发生了大地震。地震发生之后的一天内,死亡就超过了1700人,另有2万多人下落不明,39万人受灾。地震在日本属于家常便饭,但“311地震”在日本是1200年不遇。地震所引发的灾难,既来自地震本身,又不
In the last few years intensive experimental investigations were performed at the University of Karlsruhe to develop an analytical model for the Helmholtz reson