
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyi101
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曾两次因犯罪被判刑,多次威胁领导寻衅滋事……如此无赖竟被提拔重用。当上领导后,他侵吞324万余元公款,与32个女人有染……最终,他走上了“断头台”。2001年11月12日,延安市中级人民法院一审判处原延长油矿管理局丰源实业总公司副总经理郑大平死刑—— Has twice been convicted for the crime, repeatedly threatened to lead the trouble ... so ruthless was promoted. After leading, he embezzled more than 3.24 million yuan of public funds, with 32 women ... ... Finally, he embarked on the “Guillotine.” On November 12, 2001, Yan’an Intermediate People’s Court first sentenced the original trial to extend the death penalty of Zheng Daping, deputy general manager of Fengyuan Industrial Corporation,
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1、6岁小男孩东东与一群同龄儿童聚在一起做游戏。 1,6-year-old boy stuff with a group of children of the same age together to play the game.
江苏省南通市近日爆出一条新闻:一个从事中小学教学研究工作仅30多人的地市级教研室,竟有6人涉嫌贪污受贿,不久前已被市崇山区人民检察院立案查处。 该教研室利用某些家长望
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1、白霞在海天花苑买了一套三房两厅,一家人欢欢喜喜搬进新居。 1, Bai Xia Haitian Garden bought a three-bedroom and two-hall, a family joyfully moved into the new
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