Optimal Dividend-Equity Issuance Strategy in a Dual Model with Fixed and Proportional Transaction Co

来源 :Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhbx
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In this paper, we consider the problem of optimal dividend payout and equity issuance for a company whose liquid asset is modeled by the dual of classical risk model with diffusion. We assume that there exist both proportional and fixed transaction costs when issuing new equity. Our objective is to maximize the expected cumulative present value of the dividend payout minus the equity issuance until the time of bankruptcy,which is defined as the first time when the company’s capital reserve falls below zero. The solution to the mixed impulse-singular control problem relies on two auxiliary subproblems: one is the classical dividend problem without equity issuance, and the other one assumes that the company never goes bankrupt by equity issuance.We first provide closed-form expressions of the value functions and the optimal strategies for both auxiliary subproblems. We then identify the solution to the original problem with either of the auxiliary problems. Our results show that the optimal strategy should either allow for bankruptcy or keep the company’s reserve above zero by issuing new equity, depending on the model’s parameters. We also present some economic interpretations and sensitivity analysis for our results by theoretical analysis and numerical examples. In this paper, we consider the problem of optimal dividend payout and equity issuance for a company whose liquid asset is modeled by the dual of classical risk model with diffusion. We assume that there exist both proportional and fixed transaction costs when issued new equity. objective is to maximize the expected cumulative present value of the dividend payout minus the equity issuance until the time of bankruptcy, which is defined as the first time when the company’s capital reserve falls below zero. on two auxiliary subproblems: one is the classical dividend problem without equity issuance, and the other one assumes that the company never goes bankrupt by equity issuance.We first provide closed-form expressions of the value functions and the optimal strategies for both auxiliary subproblems. We then identify the solution to the original problem with either of the auxiliary problems. Our results show that the opti mal strategy should either allow for bankruptcy or keep the company’s reserve above zero by issuing new equity, depending on the model’s parameters. We also present some economic interpretations and sensitivity analysis for our results by theoretical analysis and numerical examples.
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