Water transfer characteristics during methane hydrate formation and dissociation processes inside sa

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan3134
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Gas hydrates formation and dissociation processes inside porous media are always accompanied by water transfer behavior, which is similar to the water behavior of ice freezing and thawing processes. These processes have been studied by many researchers, but all the studies are so far on the water transfer characteristics outside porous media and the water transfer characteristics inside porous media have been little known. In this study, in order to study the water transfer characteristics inside porous media during methane hydrate formation and dissociation processes, a novel apparatus with three pF-meter sensors which can detect water content changes inside porous media was applied. It was experimentally observed that methane hydrate formation processes were accompanied by water transfer from bottom to top inside porous media, however, the water behavior during hydrate dissociation processes was abnormal, for which more studies are needed to find out the real reason in our future work. Gas hydrates formation and dissociation processes inside porous media are always accompanied by water transfer behavior, which is similar to the water behavior of ice freezing and thawing processes. These processes have been studied by many researchers, but all the studies are so far on the water transfer characteristics outside porous media and the water transfer characteristics inside porous media have been little known. In this study, in order to study the water transfer characteristics inside methane hydrate formation and dissociation processes, a novel apparatus with three pF-meter sensors which can detect water content changes inside porous media was applied. It was experimentally observed that methane hydrate formation processes were accompanied by water transfer from bottom to top inside porous media, however, the water behavior during hydrate dissociation processes was abnormal, for which more studies are needed to find out the real reason in our future wor k.
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进入到1994年,南非人格里高便成天生活在不安中。因为这一年,他曾看守了27年的要犯曼德拉顺利当选为南非总统。  格里高常常回想起自己对曼德拉的种种虐待。那是在荒蛮的罗本岛上,到处是海豹、毒蛇和其他危险动物。曼德拉被关在锌皮房里,白天要去采石头,有时还要下到冰冷的海里捞海带,夜晚则被限制一切自由。因为曼德拉是要犯,格里高和其他两位同事经常侮辱他,动不动就用铁棍痛殴他,甚至故意往饭里泼泔水,强迫他吃
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