Dyeability of Chemically Treated Wood and its Discoloration by UV-ray Irradiation

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ChinaKing1
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The study illustrates differences between colors of poplar I-214 veneers dyed by reactive blue KN-R and 4 kinds of chemical reagents, and those of treated veneer exposed to UV-ray for 3 days. The results show there are some laws in poplar I-214 dyeing and UV-ray attenuation of each chemically treated veneer color. The chemical reaction carried out between cellulose or lignin on veneer surface and dye molecules when they met with. The capability of dyeing and discoloration of veneer is improved by control of dyeing technology, especially chemical treatments; being treated by acetylation and maleic anhydride protects dyed wood discoloration. The study illustrates differences between colors of poplar I-214 veneers dyed by reactive blue KN-R and 4 kinds of chemical reagents, and those of treated veneer exposed to UV-ray for 3 days. The results show there are some laws in poplar I -214 dyeing and UV-ray attenuation of each chemically treated veneer color. The chemical reaction carried out between cellulose or lignin on veneer surface and dye molecules when they met with. The capability of dyeing and discoloration of veneer is improved by control of dyeing technology , especially chemical treatments; being treated by acetylation and maleic anhydride protects dyed wood discoloration.
本文从整体介绍了非致冷红外焦平面阵列读出电路系统,并着重介绍了一种便于集成的非致冷红外焦平面阵列(IRFPA)读出电路(ROIC),叙述了该读出电路的电路原理及工作时序。 In
由于不锈钢材某些特性在工业上应用日益广泛。不锈钢材经调质、淬火等热处理后,表面需要进行酸洗钝化,以便消除氧化皮、提高耐腐蚀性能。目前采用的酸洗方法较多,有H_2 SO_4