烟 D27是由烟台市农科所育成的一个抗旱,高产的小麦新品种。 1999年 4月经省农作物品种审定委员会审定并定名。 一、品种来源 烟 D27号是烟台市农科所以(中 144/寨 5241)的高代品系为母本,以小黑麦为父本交后与(科红 1号 /中 144)、(济南 13/中 144)的高代品系及科红
Smoke D27 is a drought-resistant and high-yielding wheat variety bred by Yantai Agricultural Science Institute. In April 1999 by the Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee validated and named. First, the source of varieties of tobacco smoke D27 is Yantai Agricultural Science so (in 144 / Walled 5241) of the high generation lines as the female parent to Triticale as a male parent and (Section Red 1/144), (Jinan 13 / in 144) of the high-generation lines and Section red