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针对光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感信号难以去除噪声干扰及信号丢失问题,采用压缩感知(CS)对传感信号进行处理。CS重构算法多是以稀疏度已知为先验条件,提出稀疏度确定方法,结合二次正交匹配追踪(TOMP)算法和广义正交匹配追踪(GOMP)算法提出广义二次正交匹配追踪(GtOMP)算法,确定每次迭代选择原子个数及迭代次数。首先计算相关系数,归一化后按降序排列,并结合饱和值的方法确定稀疏度,利用平稳度找出每次迭代所选择的原子个数,最后利用本文方法对FBG信号进行重构。实验仿真表明,与同类的TOMP算法相比,本文算法不仅运行时间大大减少,而且降低了6~20%的重构误差;与其他不同类算法相比,本文算法重构信号的信噪比(SNR)提高27dB以上。 It is difficult to remove the noise interference and signal loss problem of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing signal, and compressed sensing (CS) is used to process the sensing signal. Most of the CS reconstruction algorithms are based on the known sparsity as a priori condition, and the sparseness determination method is proposed. Combined with the quadratic orthogonal matching pursuit (TOMP) algorithm and the generalized orthogonal matching pursuit (GOMP) algorithm, the generalized quadratic orthogonal matching Tracking (GtOMP) algorithm to determine the number of atoms and the number of iterations for each iteration. Firstly, the correlation coefficient is calculated, then normalized and then arranged in descending order, combined with the saturation method to determine the sparseness, the smoothness is used to find the number of atoms selected for each iteration, and finally the FBG signal is reconstructed by this method. The experimental results show that compared with the same TOMP algorithm, the proposed algorithm not only reduces the running time but also reduces the reconstruction error by 6-20%. Compared with other algorithms, the signal to noise ratio SNR) increased by 27dB or more.
Purpose :  The aim of This study, is to compare The therapeutic effects of (electroacupuncture combined with diet adjustment and aerobic exercise) with (diet
一天,妈妈告诉我:“宝贝,FM105.0电台主播邀请你明天去做《爱的天使团》节目的嘉宾小主播,我们今天准备一下吧。”听到这个消息,我心里乐开了花,但又有点担心。妈妈看出我的心思,鼓励我:“宝贝,妈妈相信你,你一定行!”  我和妈妈按照电台主播的要求,认真地开始做准备工作:一段精彩的自我介绍、一个拿手的小节目、一篇优秀的小作文……“好了,宝贝,万事俱备,只欠东风,就看你明天的自由发挥喽!”妈妈用信任
吃过晚饭,我把碗往桌上一推,就躺在沙發上看起了电视。爸爸看了我一眼,说:“这个习惯可不好,吃过饭应该立即收拾桌子,帮妈妈把碗筷洗了。”我不情愿地离开了沙发——洗碗,多没意思呀!  好容易和妈妈一起收拾干净厨房,我赶紧回到沙发上躺着,想玩会儿“吃鸡”游戏,但想到爸妈肯定不让,于是,找了本《阿衰》来看,边看边笑。爸爸又问:“怎么不先完成作业再玩呢?”我心里想着:爸爸真烦,就是不能让我舒服会儿!作业太多
目的:整理与升降散有关的医学文献,为升降散防治脓毒症(sepsis)提供理论基础。评价升降散对脓毒血症患者临床疗效研究,同时观察升降散对内毒素刺激血管内皮细胞的影响。 本