八月楼价偏软 多层价格企稳——1-8月楼市交易400万平方米,二手楼市占两成

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一、商品房批准预售数据分析2000年8月在市国土房管局市场处办理预售商品房许可证,获得上市资格的商品房项目共25个,可预售面积为63.93万平方米,与上个月相比增长27.78%,今年前八个月共批出预售商品房335.73万平方米,与去年同期相比增加了25.69%。二、房屋交易情况分析2000年8月份在广州市房地产交易所登记的房屋交易总面积(包括商品房交易面积和二手楼交易面积)为48.23万平方米,比去年同期增长6.38%,交易总金额为26.80亿元,与去年同期相比增长13.66%。今年前八个月房屋交易总面积为410.44万平方米,比去年同期增长了10.06%。1.商品房交易情况分析 First, the approval of pre-sale of commercial housing data analysis August 2000 in the city of the National Housing Authority market for pre-sale of commercial housing permits, access to listing a total of 25 commercial housing projects, pre-sale area of ​​639,300 square meters, and last month An increase of 27.78% over the first eight months of this year approved a total of 3,357,300 square meters of pre-sale commercial housing, an increase of 25.69% over the same period last year. Analysis of Housing Transactions The total area of ​​house transactions (including the area of ​​commercial houses and the area of ​​second-hand houses) registered in the Guangzhou Real Estate Exchange in August 2000 was 482,300 square meters, an increase of 6.38% over the same period of last year. The total amount of transactions was 2.68 billion yuan, an increase of 13.66% over the same period of last year. The first eight months of this year, the total area of ​​housing transactions was 410.44 million square meters, an increase of 10.06% over the same period last year. 1. Real estate transactions analysis
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一、问题的提出 长江中下游航道上起宜昌,下至吴淞全长1669公里,横贯我国华中及华东的广大平原及三角洲地带。武汉以上习称中游,武汉以下习称下游,见图1、图2。腹地内土地肥