
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:katou1234
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目前电力系统仿真计算中水轮机模型均采用简化模型,难以准确反映水电机组的实际特性。通过分析水轮机调节系统数学模型,提出了一种递推水轮机线性模型,给出了其计算框图,并利用MATLAB/Simulink进行递推水轮机线性模型、非线性水轮机模型、IEEE推荐水轮机模型的仿真试验和对比分析。结果表明,递推水轮机线性模型可较好地描述水轮机的非线性与动态特性,计算结果与非线性模型及现场试验结果具有高度一致性。递推水轮机线性模型计算速度快、计算精度高,可作为电力系统动态仿真用模型。 At present, turbine models in power system simulation are all simplified models, so it is difficult to accurately reflect the actual characteristics of hydroelectric units. Based on the analysis of mathematical model of hydraulic turbine governing system, a linear model of recursive turbine is proposed, and its calculation block diagram is given. The recursive turbine linear model, nonlinear turbine model and IEEE recommended turbine model are simulated with MATLAB / Simulink. Comparative analysis. The results show that the recursive turbine linear model can well describe the nonlinear and dynamic characteristics of the turbine. The calculated results are highly consistent with the nonlinear model and field test results. The recursive turbine linear model has the advantages of fast calculation speed and high calculation accuracy, which can be used as the dynamic simulation model of power system.
BACKGROUND Synovial sarcoma (SS),a rare malignant soft tissue tumor whose histological origin is still unknown,often occurs in limbs in young people and is easi
对21个代表种果实形态与解剖特征观察发现:(1)中国柴胡属(Bupleurum L.)果实以芹亚科(Apioideae)原始的两侧压扁型为主,在外形上可分为圆柱形、矩圆形和卵形3类;(2)在柴胡属中果皮细胞
BACKGROUND Ovarian tumors are common gynecological diseases in children,and the most commonly seen ovarian tumors are germ cell tumors.Robotic surgery is the ne